Question 3: Read-a-Blog?

November 10 2006
I appreciate everyone's feedback from yesterday's question. I would like to remind everyone of a couple things though. When I set out to create PhuseBox, I did so with a couple "principles" in mind:

1. Be Innovative
2. Design Matters

Those two points drove the creation of PhuseBox and will drive the future of PhuseBox. I wanted to be an improvement over other social sites, not a copy. I could very easily make a replica of or some other social network site... but what would be the point? PhuseBox is all about being different, being innovative, and not letting the site look really bad with color schemes and massive image backgrounds that hurt your eyes when you try to read the text.

Also, I will be asking your opinions on what you would improve at a later date... so there will be time for that, but for now... today's question:

What do you mainly use to read other user's blogs: The Friend Digest or Visiting the User's Blog Page?

beth cooper

November 10 2006
the friend digest. ( :

Matt Hicks

November 10 2006
The Friend Digest Thingy

Brandon Ray

November 10 2006
friend digest.


November 10 2006
friend digest


November 10 2006
mostly friend digest.... if something is most remarked or catches my eye in the most recent entries i read is ... but its not like i really browse for stuff unless i'm REALLY bored

Josh Morgan

November 10 2006
Digest, although I think that causes me to miss changes in profiles. I only go to their site if there are remarks.

Ben Moser

November 10 2006
friend digest. unless i have time to kill. lots.


November 10 2006
I use friend digest, most notably the link at the top of the page for new friend entries. :)


November 10 2006
friend digest. and like how it's easy to get to. like, when i stop in the library and i can just get on real quick and see if anyone has posted anything or not just by looking at the top of the screen


November 10 2006
Friend digest, unless there are remarks and I'm curious.

Jessica Dennis

November 10 2006
friend digest....unless (like ben) i have massive amounts of time to kill

Rebekah Minor

November 10 2006
friend digest most def. and i like how the ones you havent read are blue!!! good job nathanael moore!!!

Brent Walker

November 10 2006
yep....the digest


November 10 2006
Friend digest.


November 10 2006
friend digest unless there are remarks & then i go read those on their site


November 10 2006
seems like everyone, including me agree with the friend digest...

Garrett Haynes

November 10 2006
friend digest


November 10 2006
new friend entries.


November 10 2006
definitely friend digest. i usually only go to their site to leave remarks.

Kylie Boy

November 10 2006
friend digest

Cara Hawkins

November 10 2006
friends digest

Stephanie Rich

November 10 2006
Friend's Digest

Megan Sewak

November 10 2006
i read the friend digest


November 10 2006
yep that one

Jonathan Wood

November 10 2006
Friend digest first, then I head to their page.


November 11 2006
It's good to know I'm not the only one. : )


November 11 2006
new friend entry thing, then sometimes to their page :)

Paul Morgan

November 11 2006
First I hack the database mainframe and use *incert techie computer lingo* to upload the.....uhhh.... stuff.... uh..... Yea... I use the friend digest :-/

The Capn

November 11 2006
friend digest

justin daniels

November 12 2006
Friend digest.

the brian king kenobi

November 12 2006
that's amazing. as a loyal blogger, i think i should get a huge banner on the phusebox mainpage. but that's just me.

Becca Hicks

November 12 2006
sorry that this has nothing to do with your post, but i wanted to thank you for the remarks recently. my birthday was a blast! =]<br><br><br>[becca]