The next step

November 11 2006
Paige and I broke up about a week and a half ago.  It may as well have been around a month ago, because that's when things went cold and were in a state of life support rather than total death.  Anyway, I had originally resolved to win her back, but, being me, I thought about it for a long time.  I finally came to terms with the fact that we're not suited for one another and likely never will be.  At first, this thought irritated the stew out of me, but I've come to realize that it is the correct course of action.

Anyway, I made up my mind once and for all to give up on Paige and move on.  I told a friend of mine, Allison, shortly thereafter, and we were talking when another friend of mine, named Brittany, more or less asked me out.  Scared the poop out of me.  I've never been asked out before.  I had had thoughts about something like this with her, but because of my relationship with Paige hadn't pursued anything (makes sense, right?).  I told Brittany that, if she could wait until January, then we'd try it out.  She said she could wait, so we're waiting.

I just think it's weird that within an hour of deciding to move on, this lands in my lap.  So, Josh and Liz, I've got a new girl for you to meet.  Liz, I think you'll like her better than the last one.  ;)

Song to You

November 07 2006
Here's a song that a friend of mine (named Dave) and I collaborated on:

Song for You
by Dave Lane and Jonathan Wood

Verse 1:
You said I'm too young to be singing the blues
And I tell you're probably right
But let me tell you something, baby, age just doesn't mean
What it did before

I'm only just a young man but I'm starting to see
What this whole love thing is about
But when I had it in my grasp
I just let it slip away again

And this is my life I'm living
And I know I want you by my side
And this is my heart I'm giving to you
So won't you come into my life

Verse 2:
Gone but not forgotten's how you are to me
Ever since you left me that night
But don't think for just one second that I wanted you
To leave me there

I tell you that I pushed you just a little too far
And I know that I'm not innocent
But just give me one more chance
Let me take you by the hand
Let me let you know
Oh baby, let me show you that I love you


Verse 3:
Sometimes I get so lonely that I can't go on
And I just need a helping hand
And then if I turn around and I see people there
I try to run away

'Cause there's only one person whose love I need
To make it through my life
So baby if you hear me just a-singin this song
Everything's not alright

[Chorus + TAG]

Taking the lyrics by themselves, they're kind of cruddy.  Taking the melody or piano by itself is cruddy, too.  However, the three work together very well to convey the message I'm trying to send across, so I'm happy despite the first-look faults of the piece.

Estoy alegre!

November 06 2006
I took the Spanish placement test online today.  According to their table, a score above 480 points is equal to 4+ semesters of Tech's Spanish curriculum.  My score was 844.


November 06 2006
Still not asleep.  What's up with this?  So I took some pills to sleep, and I don't sleep.  I try everything I can think of, but I don't sleep.  All I can do is lie in bed and think about reality and such.  I'm trying to reconcile scientific findings with my spiritual beliefs, but it's not working, and I'm not sleeping.  Bah.

Darn those stupid movies

November 01 2006
Okay, so I watched The Razor's Edge twice last weekend, and now I want to travel the world in Spring 2008.  I can't help's actually a possibility - all I need to do is save up a little money before then to get started, then figure out a way to earn petty cash along the way to pay for food.

This obviously won't be typical touristy travel if it happens (probably not...I have a habit of having great ideas that would rock but that I never follow through on because I'm a lazy scaredy-cat), but would be a great learning experience.  Also, I would hopefully not be going alone...just gotta rope people into it.

It's gonna happen

November 01 2006
We're going to pull it off.  No matter what tries to stop us, we're going to make it through.  That's my promise from God tonight, and I'm going to hold Him to it.

She says, "Baby..."

October 28 2006
It's 3am, I must be lonely.

3 in the morning, and I'm awake.  I don't know what to make of myself.  I'm getting frustrated by the fact that I don't sleep at night.  Add to that the fact that my relationships with just about everyone are seeming to go into turmoil, as well as my classes going haywire.  I'm just in a relatively overall unhappy mood right now.  Bah.


The Saga Continues

October 23 2006
Remember the dude that burned the cheese and sent us outside at 1:38 the other morning?  He got hit by a car.  Seems as though he was talking on his cell phone and stepped out in front of a car and got hit.  He fell down and skinned his arm.  I'm not sure how damaged the car was, but I'd like to know.

Also, in a Murphy 2-- room, we had an arrest made for sexual assault by one roommate on another.  Yowzer.  Luckily, I keep my door locked and my roommate tied up in his closet, so I'm pretty safe.

It's been an eventful week for Murphy.  Let's hope it stops; I don't think it will (we had a couple of toddlers and their mother stay the night down the hall, so I have no clue what's going on now).

But I've gotta head to class.  Hasta luego, yo soy Juanotan, y esto es CNN.

Political Opinion

October 21 2006
So I've decided that if Condoleeza Rice really wants a shot at presidency, she'll need two things:
1. A fallback (defense plan)
2. A good (probably moderate) running partner

For her fallback, she needs to make sure she's perfect with the whole North Korea thing.  She says one wrong word right now, she's screwed, but if she runs a tight ship, she can always fall back on it.  Case in point:

Candidate: "I cured AIDS."
Condy: "That's nice.  I stopped North Korea from raining nuclear holocaust on the world."

That will garner a few votes at least for Condy.

As for her running mate, if she somehow got John McCain (who I would like to vote for for president), she could snag some of the moderate vote as well.  Playing to the right with Condy and the middle-mid-right to mid-right with McCain could possibly win the election.

Of course, the best plan would be to make me king.

I'm going to be honest

October 19 2006
I hate Chuck Norris jokes.  However, I just read an article about them, and they quote Norris telling his two favorites that he has read, so I will post them here, lest he kill me with a roundhouse kick to the face:

"They wanted to put Chuck Norris on Mt.
Rushmore, but the granite wasn't tough enough for his beard."
"When Chuck
Norris does pushups, he doesn't push up. He pushes the earth down."

Back in Cookeville

October 17 2006
Strange things happened today:

1. Even though I was stuck in Nashville for a good 20 minutes, I still made  a record Memphis/Cookeville trip at 3:12, logging 267 miles.

2. As I arrived in Cookeville, I turned on the radio to the line "walking in Memphis" from the song "Walking in Memphis."  That was weird.

3. I got all of my stuff out of my car, into my room, unpacked, put away, hooked up, etc. in 13 minutes.  That's about 50 lbs. of clothes, 40 lbs. of books, 5 lbs. of DVDs, and 50+ lbs. of computer stuff.

It seems to be a good day thus far.

Cheese Fire

October 12 2006
Murphy Hall, 1:38 am

The residents of the Honors Dorm were, for the large part, asleep, when one William Wilhoite of room 209 felt a bit hungry.  In order to sate his hunger, he decided to melt some cheese (in his microwave) to go with some chips.  What next occured is lost to the annals of Murphy lore as Wilhoite will not confirm his whereabouts.  All that is known is that the cheese began to smoke vehemently and set off the fire alarm in Murphy Hall.
As students began to pour outside, young Paige Adkisson noted that her dashing, handsome lover, Jonathan Wood, had not yet exited the building.  As the minutes passed and his royal red-locked head never passed through the doors, she began to panic.  She dialed his room number on her cellular phone and waited an eternity for the answer.
Meanwhile, in Murphy 106, David Patton, playing a video game on his computer, ignored the fire alarm as it blared in the hallway as his roommate, the courageous Jonathan Wood, slept peacefully.  When the phone rang, Patton ignored it as well, leaving the newly awakened Jonathan to answer.  When Paige described the building as being on fire, Jonathan decided that his safest bet would be to wait out the inferno in his room, but, because of his great love and compassion for the panicked girl's plight of desperation, deigned it a suitable option to join the amassed throngs of residents outside of the dorm, dragging his sorry roommate with him.
As the temperatures outside plummetted to nearly -78K, the Murphy and Jobe residents waited patiently for nigh 15 minutes for the fire department to casually stroll in, poke around in the building for 10 minutes, then allow everyone back in, but not before Wilhoite's cheese was named the culprit in bringing us all out at 2 in the frigging morning.

I am not a happy camper!  I am also not a well-rested camper!  I want blood!

Just to add on: the day went downhill from there until about 2 pm.  It was unfun.

It's been a while

October 07 2006
So I haven't posted in a few weeks.  What has happened since that time?  Well, Paige and I had our one month anniversary, an occasion neither of us actually remembered until a few days afterward.  I got to spend time with Josh, Liz, and Daniel, which was fun.  I also got to observe Daniel's daycare group for my Developmental Psych class, which was also very enjoyable.  We had the Freshman Retreats, which could have been better (naturally).  Lots of other stuff as well.  Lots of seeking out Donald Rumsfeld's cell # for James.  That was a heck of a lot of fun.

So today I'm going to complain about people who try to be what they're not.  This group of people includes not only the pretenders, but also the self-important and those who actually believe they are something they are not. 

One particular young man I know desires to be at the existentially angsty Perry Model stage #5, so purposefully tries to depress himselfby reading such existentialist authors as Sartre and Camus.  I reccomended he read Nietzche so that he may at least read someone I consider intelligent, but he shot that down.  Nietzche may make him think, after all.  So now those around this particular young man have to deal with his general pissiness.  I have many other things to say about this particular case, but I don't have the time.  Rather, I'd just like not to dwell on it for too long.

Next, we have the self-important.  Take, for example, a girl I know who, because her family couldn't afford the art school she had desired to attend, comes to Tech.  I can sympathize with her not being able to attend the school of her choice because of financial concerns; my family deals with this as well.  Her problem, however, is that she looks with derision on those of us who attend Tech because, I don't know, we want to come here.  After all, it's obviously such a terrible school if it's affordable.  So every day, and I mean every single day, her remarks and condescending looks burn into my skull in a concentration of total discomfort on my part.  Luckily for me, though, she seems to be getting along well with the guy from the first case.

So yeah, I guess there's something else I'm complaining about.  It's sort of a guilty pleasure: I feel guilty, but it feels great at the same time.

Those Crazy Canadians

September 26 2006

This is an article about some crazy dudes from Canadia (NOT CANADA, people!).  What they did was scan the Mona Lisa with a nifty color laser scanner in order to figure out what it was that Da Vinci did to make it so nifty (i.e. no visible brush strokes or fingerprints).  Read the article.  Look at the pictures.  You will not regret it.  Hopefully.

The Polyps

September 23 2006
I've been having sinus crappiness going on lately.  I've also had sleep crappiness going on lately.  Tonight, they teamed up on me in the form of hallucinations.  I awoke around 2:15am being unable to breathe, but these polyps in my mind had me convinced that if I could just pronounce my French and Italian correctly, I'd be able to breathe again.  Naturally, I laid there for about half an hour struggling to breathe so that I could pronounce words correctly.  I was invariably wrong, but that's the way it goes.  Eventually, I hit a point where the floodgates of my nose opened and I realized that these polyps (which had surrounded me in a multitude of shapes and sizes); I then blew my nose and felt good for a few minutes.  I turned on some Andrea Bocelli to help me sleep, but the polyps returned, changing shape and color and size as Andrea's music changed; each time they'd change, I'd have to change my toes' directions, or else the polyps would stop my breathing again.  After a bit, I realized that the polyps were not real, but now it's a quarter after three.  I've taken 2 Tylenol and a sleeping pill, so maybe I can conk out and make it through the rest of the night.

Funny how that works...

September 22 2006
You know how I was complaining the other day about the Muslims proving that they are peaceful by causing trouble?  I just read about how in Indonesia, Christian mobs are rioting and destroying Muslim businesses because of the execution of some Roman Catholic mob inciters.  It's so despicable that these people are trying to force their false religion onto others by rioting.  They should know that only Muslims know how to riot in the correct fashion.  Duh.

I'm sure most who read this post remember when Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by the Word of God" or something similar to that (it's been a while, okay?).  I've eaten tons of bread this far about four loaves of dry bread, plus many bagels, rolls, biscuits, and other assorted bread products.  Granted, I've eaten other things, but if you were to diagram my food pyramid, there would be a humongous base for the carbohydrates and a couple blocks floating in the air for the other groups.  So, yeah, I'm almost living by bread alone.  Apparently that's as close as one can get.  ;)

I watched an incredible movie the other night: The Miracle Match, starring Gerard Butler (hot!), Wes Bentley, and Patrick Stewart.  In one of my favorite scenes, a Roman Catholic man refers to a "voodoo" man's prayers as sacreligious.  The "voodoo" man, John, tells the Catholic man, Geno, that sacreligious means "against religion."  He tells Geno that what he is doing is not sacreligious just because it's a different religion.  So you see?  I am not heretical in my comments; I'm sacreligious.

Have I mentioned today how lucky I am?

September 18 2006
Stole that from a song I listened to a few days ago...that's not the entire line, but I didn't want a really long title.  I just feel great today; everything seems to be going well so far.  There's always music playing in the background of my head - today's songs are all upbeat and optimistic.  This is a very non-Jonathan day.

Anyway, I'm going to complain about the whole Pope/Muslim thing now.  As many who know me know, I think that people in general are stupid.  This opinion is supported by the actions being taken in response to what the Pope said in his speech.  Here is a sample dialogue:

Extremist Muslim 1: "Did you hear what the Pope said?  He said Muslims are evil and violent people!"
Extremist Muslim 2: "No!  He should not have said that!"
Me: "He was quoting someone else.  Maybe we should let it slide?"
Extremist Muslim 1: "Never!  He must know we're not violent or evil!"
Extremist Muslim 2: "Of course!  Let us burn statues of him and promise death and vengeance on him and the West!"

Seriously...where is the logic in this stuff?  It's kind of like this other dialogue:

Extremist Christian 1: "Jesus said we're supposed to love everyone."
Extremist Christian 2: "Yes, we should.  Don't you just hate those queers, though?  Living in sin.  They're all going to hell."
Me: "But shouldn't we love them anyway?  I mean, that's kind of what Jesus said..."
Extremist Christian 1: "No, that's not what he meant."
Extremist Christian 2: "Yeah, we love them by letting them know they're going to hell and not letting them near us.  It's the only way."

So yeah, stupid people irritate me.  I also kind of enjoy making up dialogues:

Stupid Non-Christian: "The DaVinci code disproves Christianity!"
Stupid Christian: "No!  It's evil lies!  Dan Brown is the devil!"
Me: "Actually, he says that the book is fiction.  It doesn't prove or disprove anything."
Stupic Non-Christian: "That's just what the Christians want you to think!  He is a prophet of the God that's not there!  Ha!  Beat that!"
Stupid Christian: "A prophet of SATAN, perhaps!"

*le sigh*

But I'm still happy today!  Hoorah!

Okay, so I was thinking again...

September 11 2006
I was thinking about the whole Theistic Anthropology thing I've been thinking about lately, which leads me to think about the dichotomy of grace and evil.  Not good/evil, but grace/evil.

For me, a dichotomy in this sense is a pair of ideas in which one can overpower the other just by being in existence.  The only thing that can defeat evil is grace, and the only thing that can impede or stop grace is evil, so they are the dichotomy.

Anyway, I was thinking about how remarkable it really is that for the two greatest ideas to exist (grace and love), we first needed the two worst ideas (sin and alienation).  So what's more important in this case?  The cause (sin) or the effect (grace)?  More to think about.

Live from Murfreesboro

September 03 2006
This is Action News Reporter Jonathan Wood coming at you live from Murfreesboro, TN.  This is just a quick post because I have a request: write a third verse, a bridge, or both for this song and either leave it as a reply or send it via pm to me:

Verse 1:
It's been so hard for me to figure out what it was that I had lost
And I never realized it was gone til I found you
You know you came to me, yeah I was hurting, alone, and weak
But you showed me what it meant to live, and I love you

All that I am is because of you
And you know tha tI need you by my side
You make me stronger than I thought possible
You know you've made me whole

Verse 2:
I fell so hard there was no way I could return
I knew there was no way you could ever love me
And I know that I'm not the man with whom you've always dreamed of spending your life
But I want you to know that I'll try


Granted, these words will change a lot over time, but this is the first draft.



August 21 2006
Well, I got back to Cookeville yesterday afternoon, and now I'm finishing up with my preparations for the retreat.  Whoopee!

17 seconds

August 18 2006
I was seventeen seconds from running.  My bags are packed, and I could have them in the car, in 12 seconds.  5 then to get the car started.  I could have left, but I stayed because, well, where would I go?  I'm dying here...cramped into a small world when I need space.  I need to be able to move, to get up and go, to write and compose, to imagine and dream.  Maybe in a few weeks.


August 17 2006
Here is my day:

1. I did laundry
2. I met Marlee and her boyfriend at my church and played all but one of my songs for them.  They enjoyed, but I'm not going too much on their opinions as neither of them is too musically inclined.  It is encouraging, though.
3. Saw a friend on the road and met her at her workplace to hang talk; I haven't seen her in months.
4. Found out that a guy I used to play soccer with died in a car wreck about a week ago.
5. Figured out a nifty, overused chord structure for a new song.  I think this one will be my duet piece I've been wanting to write.  We'll see.

I had this dream a week ago tonight where I had a terminal illness.  Since I was dying anyway, I threw all caution to the wind and enjoyed myself, followed up on opportunities, and just didn't care about embarassment or anything like that.  When I was at church last night, I was just hit with that feeling again, and it's stuck so far.  I've enjoyed myself for the past few days.  I even yelled in one of my songs without blushing - now that is an accomplishment.

Changing gears...

I just got a cool feeling that I haven't felt in over a year.  If anyone reading this has seen Collateral, it's the feeling you're supposed to get in the scene with the coyotes.  It's this feeling of "I'm here, right now, living a life that will never be relived."  It's the feeling I used to get when I was driving home at 2 or 3 in the morning, when there aren't any cars out and you can really think about things.
I have a calling, a purpose, but I don't know what it is.  Just sitting around has never helped me get anywhere, and it's certainly not going to help now.  I've got this urge in me to get out, to do something, but I don't know what to do.  This sucks.

8 songs and a shot in the arm

August 15 2006
I have 8 completed songs; granted, two of these are meant to go together as a two-part song...kind of like "We Will Rock You" and "We Are the Champions" but not as good and not about the same thing.  This makes me happy, as I am nearing my goal of 15 by next June; these 8 have been written since late last July, so I'm close to some sort of schedule.

Today, all of the official paperwork went through, and I am now the owner of a 3.56 GPA.  I believe that the term I am looking for here is "Boo-yah."  So there.  Boo-yah.

Nothing depressed or contemplative or complaining tonight.  Yet.

Tired Eyes

August 14 2006
Assuming that effort truly is the indicator of future success, would the probability of fulfilling a dream or achieving a destiny if you endured all hardships and challenged your difficulties with incredibly enthusiasm not be 100%?  If the aforementioned assumption is correct, then that statement would be true, but the assumption is not valid.  Otherwise, all struggling young actors would come into their own and achieve great success while Drew Barrymore would have never been in a movie.  Now, since this is not the case, we must accept that terrible fact that in any sort of competitive environment, it takes more than drive and ability in order to succeed; in fact, succeeding in a competitive endeavor relies on what could easily be compared to winning the lottery.  So, basically, we who are in college are devoting a portion of life which we will never have returned to us in order to specialize in a particular area, however focused that area may be, so that we can enter our names into a raffle for a prestigious job in order to perpetuate the cycle by sending our children through the educational pathways which we have just recently vacated.  In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter whether or not we had the highest paying job as, at the end of things, we are still dead.  Forget about living on through your children and that sentimental garbage; the fact of the matter is that we all die and the world doesn't take notice unless we are mightily influential.

Now, let's look at those who were mightily influential.  A great percentage of them were influential, rich, important, and powerful because they had a goal and abandoned all to achieve it.  When that goal was achieved, they were able to enjoy the fruits of their labors. I've got to stop writing and start working.  I'll be back later.

It's always nice to pep yourself up.

Texas Death March

August 14 2006
That was the official name of our trip.  You can look up our route to see what you think:
Memphis, TN to Kilgore, TX
Kilgore, TX to Galveston, TX
Galveston, TX to San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX to Garland, TX
Garland, TX to Memphis, TN

That's for the last 8 days.  Fun stuff.  Here's what I learned on the trip: how to say goodbye.  I hit a nice emotional low a few nights ago, so I did a cell phone purge.  I took out all of the numbers of people who I'm in contact with every 6 months or so because I initiate the contact.  I understand that people have busy schedules, but seriously...if I've got a buddy who works 25 hours a week and isn't going to school or dating anyone, how hard is it really for him to call me within 6 months?  So I deleted some people who never deem it necessary to act as if they care about me.  I feel like a brat saying that and doing what I did, but seriously...without the contact information in there, I won't be able to contact them without going through a lot of trouble (which you know I don't do a whole lot of), so, in my way, I said goodbye to some "friends" I've held onto for the past several years.  It hurt and dropped me lower, but I feel better now about the whole thing.  I know I'm an introvert and a relative loner, but I still get lonely when people don't show interest.  Luckily, I've got a few people who do show interest and love.  Those others, though...the ones to whom I've given unrequitably...they're out.  I said my goodbyes to a ceiling in Garland.

Changing gears...

I keep myself in check very well.  Whenever I'm getting particularly spiritual/moral/whatever, I manage to find some trouble in which to place myself.  I keep myself from existing on any extremes, and this is something that drives me to irritation every day I live.  I desire so much to live an extreme, but my survivalist instinct reprimands me for such thought patterns.  In my heart is the desire to throw off the chains I willingly wear, the chains that hold me where I am.  I wish with all of my heart that I could break the chains, spread my wings, and fly.  But these desires are quickly squelched by any number of things: my lack of ability, my lack of confidence, fears, anxieties, others' opinions.  So the question I raise to myself is whether or not I will ever be able to achieve greatness.

Changing gears...

I was thinking the other day that everything a person does is part of an overall effort to be superior to others, however conscious or unconscious that desire of superiority may be.  Even team players strive the be the best team player.  It's insane how we want to excel to the detriment of others.  This is why I've come up with the crackpot idea that man's design is originally for a much smaller population size.  When God finished his creation, there was a man and a woman who were given the charge to subdue the earth.  This command still resonates within the breast of every man and woman on earth, and, in our efforts to so subdue the earth, we focus on the betterment of the individual rather than the betterment of society.  Is betterment a word?  With two people, the focus on the betterment of self could actually more fruitfully contribute to the betterment of the group, but when there are 6 billion people striving for the betterment of self, the group inevitably suffers.  Now, what kind of solution could solve such a dilemma?  No reasonable solutions have presented themselves to me, reasonable meaning practical with man in their current and future terrestrial states.  So I allow myself to detract from the good of society by better supporting my own individual interests.  Is this right?  Wrong?  Neither?  I'm not sure.  All I know is that my fears won't allow me to surrender fully to bettering myself or society; as usual, I have ideas, but I can't allow myself to follow through with them.

Changing gears...

Why do I always have these crazy dreams about who I want to be?  All I end up doing is convincing myself even further that I will never be able to achieve whatever it is that I hope to achieve.  For example - wanting to be a singer.  I have ability, but not enough.  So I end up spending my time depressing myself because, deep down, I know this dream will never come true.  These fears further detract from any chances which I may have to achieve my dream.  Since I know these fears detract from my chances, I devote less and less time to achieving it until it's just another memory of something I could never have done.
But what would happen if I abandoned all in order to follow a dream?  Would my devotion somehow will a success?  These are what have haunted my dreams for the past few nights.  Quitting college and working my ass off in order to fulfill a dream seems great while sleeping, but the cold reality hits when I awaken.  So I stay in school and allow myself to hate myself for not trying hard enough.  I'm sure other people go through the same things, but I'm the one whining right now.

And that's another entertaining look into my mind.

Humorous anecdote:

When I sang at the Baptist church a few weeks ago, the preacher was talking about heaven in his sermon.  He was saying that there wouldn't be any doctors in heaven since there would be no sickness.  That means all doctors go to hell.

Good night.