Texas Death March

August 14 2006
That was the official name of our trip.  You can look up our route to see what you think:
Memphis, TN to Kilgore, TX
Kilgore, TX to Galveston, TX
Galveston, TX to San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX to Garland, TX
Garland, TX to Memphis, TN

That's for the last 8 days.  Fun stuff.  Here's what I learned on the trip: how to say goodbye.  I hit a nice emotional low a few nights ago, so I did a cell phone purge.  I took out all of the numbers of people who I'm in contact with every 6 months or so because I initiate the contact.  I understand that people have busy schedules, but seriously...if I've got a buddy who works 25 hours a week and isn't going to school or dating anyone, how hard is it really for him to call me within 6 months?  So I deleted some people who never deem it necessary to act as if they care about me.  I feel like a brat saying that and doing what I did, but seriously...without the contact information in there, I won't be able to contact them without going through a lot of trouble (which you know I don't do a whole lot of), so, in my way, I said goodbye to some "friends" I've held onto for the past several years.  It hurt and dropped me lower, but I feel better now about the whole thing.  I know I'm an introvert and a relative loner, but I still get lonely when people don't show interest.  Luckily, I've got a few people who do show interest and love.  Those others, though...the ones to whom I've given unrequitably...they're out.  I said my goodbyes to a ceiling in Garland.

Changing gears...

I keep myself in check very well.  Whenever I'm getting particularly spiritual/moral/whatever, I manage to find some trouble in which to place myself.  I keep myself from existing on any extremes, and this is something that drives me to irritation every day I live.  I desire so much to live an extreme, but my survivalist instinct reprimands me for such thought patterns.  In my heart is the desire to throw off the chains I willingly wear, the chains that hold me where I am.  I wish with all of my heart that I could break the chains, spread my wings, and fly.  But these desires are quickly squelched by any number of things: my lack of ability, my lack of confidence, fears, anxieties, others' opinions.  So the question I raise to myself is whether or not I will ever be able to achieve greatness.

Changing gears...

I was thinking the other day that everything a person does is part of an overall effort to be superior to others, however conscious or unconscious that desire of superiority may be.  Even team players strive the be the best team player.  It's insane how we want to excel to the detriment of others.  This is why I've come up with the crackpot idea that man's design is originally for a much smaller population size.  When God finished his creation, there was a man and a woman who were given the charge to subdue the earth.  This command still resonates within the breast of every man and woman on earth, and, in our efforts to so subdue the earth, we focus on the betterment of the individual rather than the betterment of society.  Is betterment a word?  With two people, the focus on the betterment of self could actually more fruitfully contribute to the betterment of the group, but when there are 6 billion people striving for the betterment of self, the group inevitably suffers.  Now, what kind of solution could solve such a dilemma?  No reasonable solutions have presented themselves to me, reasonable meaning practical with man in their current and future terrestrial states.  So I allow myself to detract from the good of society by better supporting my own individual interests.  Is this right?  Wrong?  Neither?  I'm not sure.  All I know is that my fears won't allow me to surrender fully to bettering myself or society; as usual, I have ideas, but I can't allow myself to follow through with them.

Changing gears...

Why do I always have these crazy dreams about who I want to be?  All I end up doing is convincing myself even further that I will never be able to achieve whatever it is that I hope to achieve.  For example - wanting to be a singer.  I have ability, but not enough.  So I end up spending my time depressing myself because, deep down, I know this dream will never come true.  These fears further detract from any chances which I may have to achieve my dream.  Since I know these fears detract from my chances, I devote less and less time to achieving it until it's just another memory of something I could never have done.
But what would happen if I abandoned all in order to follow a dream?  Would my devotion somehow will a success?  These are what have haunted my dreams for the past few nights.  Quitting college and working my ass off in order to fulfill a dream seems great while sleeping, but the cold reality hits when I awaken.  So I stay in school and allow myself to hate myself for not trying hard enough.  I'm sure other people go through the same things, but I'm the one whining right now.

And that's another entertaining look into my mind.

Humorous anecdote:

When I sang at the Baptist church a few weeks ago, the preacher was talking about heaven in his sermon.  He was saying that there wouldn't be any doctors in heaven since there would be no sickness.  That means all doctors go to hell.

Good night.

Josh Morgan

August 14 2006
Centrist pig.