Have I mentioned today how lucky I am?

September 18 2006
Stole that from a song I listened to a few days ago...that's not the entire line, but I didn't want a really long title.  I just feel great today; everything seems to be going well so far.  There's always music playing in the background of my head - today's songs are all upbeat and optimistic.  This is a very non-Jonathan day.

Anyway, I'm going to complain about the whole Pope/Muslim thing now.  As many who know me know, I think that people in general are stupid.  This opinion is supported by the actions being taken in response to what the Pope said in his speech.  Here is a sample dialogue:

Extremist Muslim 1: "Did you hear what the Pope said?  He said Muslims are evil and violent people!"
Extremist Muslim 2: "No!  He should not have said that!"
Me: "He was quoting someone else.  Maybe we should let it slide?"
Extremist Muslim 1: "Never!  He must know we're not violent or evil!"
Extremist Muslim 2: "Of course!  Let us burn statues of him and promise death and vengeance on him and the West!"

Seriously...where is the logic in this stuff?  It's kind of like this other dialogue:

Extremist Christian 1: "Jesus said we're supposed to love everyone."
Extremist Christian 2: "Yes, we should.  Don't you just hate those queers, though?  Living in sin.  They're all going to hell."
Me: "But shouldn't we love them anyway?  I mean, that's kind of what Jesus said..."
Extremist Christian 1: "No, that's not what he meant."
Extremist Christian 2: "Yeah, we love them by letting them know they're going to hell and not letting them near us.  It's the only way."

So yeah, stupid people irritate me.  I also kind of enjoy making up dialogues:

Stupid Non-Christian: "The DaVinci code disproves Christianity!"
Stupid Christian: "No!  It's evil lies!  Dan Brown is the devil!"
Me: "Actually, he says that the book is fiction.  It doesn't prove or disprove anything."
Stupic Non-Christian: "That's just what the Christians want you to think!  He is a prophet of the God that's not there!  Ha!  Beat that!"
Stupid Christian: "A prophet of SATAN, perhaps!"

*le sigh*

But I'm still happy today!  Hoorah!


September 18 2006

James White

September 18 2006
Marvellous! I must say I agree on many accounts. Now I just need to get you to kvetch more about the world at large... mwa ha ha ha!

Josh Morgan

September 20 2006
I laughed, shook my head, and laughed some more.

Jeana Lewis

September 20 2006
*le groan*