Funny how that works...

September 22 2006
You know how I was complaining the other day about the Muslims proving that they are peaceful by causing trouble?  I just read about how in Indonesia, Christian mobs are rioting and destroying Muslim businesses because of the execution of some Roman Catholic mob inciters.  It's so despicable that these people are trying to force their false religion onto others by rioting.  They should know that only Muslims know how to riot in the correct fashion.  Duh.

I'm sure most who read this post remember when Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by the Word of God" or something similar to that (it's been a while, okay?).  I've eaten tons of bread this far about four loaves of dry bread, plus many bagels, rolls, biscuits, and other assorted bread products.  Granted, I've eaten other things, but if you were to diagram my food pyramid, there would be a humongous base for the carbohydrates and a couple blocks floating in the air for the other groups.  So, yeah, I'm almost living by bread alone.  Apparently that's as close as one can get.  ;)

I watched an incredible movie the other night: The Miracle Match, starring Gerard Butler (hot!), Wes Bentley, and Patrick Stewart.  In one of my favorite scenes, a Roman Catholic man refers to a "voodoo" man's prayers as sacreligious.  The "voodoo" man, John, tells the Catholic man, Geno, that sacreligious means "against religion."  He tells Geno that what he is doing is not sacreligious just because it's a different religion.  So you see?  I am not heretical in my comments; I'm sacreligious.

JM Vajda

September 26 2006
Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Why are you worrying me?