Political Opinion

October 21 2006
So I've decided that if Condoleeza Rice really wants a shot at presidency, she'll need two things:
1. A fallback (defense plan)
2. A good (probably moderate) running partner

For her fallback, she needs to make sure she's perfect with the whole North Korea thing.  She says one wrong word right now, she's screwed, but if she runs a tight ship, she can always fall back on it.  Case in point:

Candidate: "I cured AIDS."
Condy: "That's nice.  I stopped North Korea from raining nuclear holocaust on the world."

That will garner a few votes at least for Condy.

As for her running mate, if she somehow got John McCain (who I would like to vote for for president), she could snag some of the moderate vote as well.  Playing to the right with Condy and the middle-mid-right to mid-right with McCain could possibly win the election.

Of course, the best plan would be to make me king.