Cheese Fire

October 12 2006
Murphy Hall, 1:38 am

The residents of the Honors Dorm were, for the large part, asleep, when one William Wilhoite of room 209 felt a bit hungry.  In order to sate his hunger, he decided to melt some cheese (in his microwave) to go with some chips.  What next occured is lost to the annals of Murphy lore as Wilhoite will not confirm his whereabouts.  All that is known is that the cheese began to smoke vehemently and set off the fire alarm in Murphy Hall.
As students began to pour outside, young Paige Adkisson noted that her dashing, handsome lover, Jonathan Wood, had not yet exited the building.  As the minutes passed and his royal red-locked head never passed through the doors, she began to panic.  She dialed his room number on her cellular phone and waited an eternity for the answer.
Meanwhile, in Murphy 106, David Patton, playing a video game on his computer, ignored the fire alarm as it blared in the hallway as his roommate, the courageous Jonathan Wood, slept peacefully.  When the phone rang, Patton ignored it as well, leaving the newly awakened Jonathan to answer.  When Paige described the building as being on fire, Jonathan decided that his safest bet would be to wait out the inferno in his room, but, because of his great love and compassion for the panicked girl's plight of desperation, deigned it a suitable option to join the amassed throngs of residents outside of the dorm, dragging his sorry roommate with him.
As the temperatures outside plummetted to nearly -78K, the Murphy and Jobe residents waited patiently for nigh 15 minutes for the fire department to casually stroll in, poke around in the building for 10 minutes, then allow everyone back in, but not before Wilhoite's cheese was named the culprit in bringing us all out at 2 in the frigging morning.

I am not a happy camper!  I am also not a well-rested camper!  I want blood!

Just to add on: the day went downhill from there until about 2 pm.  It was unfun.

James White

October 12 2006
Your saga is quite eloquent, though. You discuss the unfunness well.


October 13 2006
Oh, the drama!


October 18 2006
nice story, sorry it really happened!