It's been a while

October 07 2006
So I haven't posted in a few weeks.  What has happened since that time?  Well, Paige and I had our one month anniversary, an occasion neither of us actually remembered until a few days afterward.  I got to spend time with Josh, Liz, and Daniel, which was fun.  I also got to observe Daniel's daycare group for my Developmental Psych class, which was also very enjoyable.  We had the Freshman Retreats, which could have been better (naturally).  Lots of other stuff as well.  Lots of seeking out Donald Rumsfeld's cell # for James.  That was a heck of a lot of fun.

So today I'm going to complain about people who try to be what they're not.  This group of people includes not only the pretenders, but also the self-important and those who actually believe they are something they are not. 

One particular young man I know desires to be at the existentially angsty Perry Model stage #5, so purposefully tries to depress himselfby reading such existentialist authors as Sartre and Camus.  I reccomended he read Nietzche so that he may at least read someone I consider intelligent, but he shot that down.  Nietzche may make him think, after all.  So now those around this particular young man have to deal with his general pissiness.  I have many other things to say about this particular case, but I don't have the time.  Rather, I'd just like not to dwell on it for too long.

Next, we have the self-important.  Take, for example, a girl I know who, because her family couldn't afford the art school she had desired to attend, comes to Tech.  I can sympathize with her not being able to attend the school of her choice because of financial concerns; my family deals with this as well.  Her problem, however, is that she looks with derision on those of us who attend Tech because, I don't know, we want to come here.  After all, it's obviously such a terrible school if it's affordable.  So every day, and I mean every single day, her remarks and condescending looks burn into my skull in a concentration of total discomfort on my part.  Luckily for me, though, she seems to be getting along well with the guy from the first case.

So yeah, I guess there's something else I'm complaining about.  It's sort of a guilty pleasure: I feel guilty, but it feels great at the same time.