Some Considerations...

August 08 2005
Ok, so I am considering a couple of things:

1. Taking some graphic design classes in college for electives. I would do this through mass comm, however, for some strange reason I have to have 80 classes outside of mass comm, so I may actually be taking a couple of these classes through the ART department. I've never taken an art class in my life. I may have to take a couple of basic art classes before I move on to graphic design classes. Older college kids: do you know anything about the art department and the teachers? Will they smite me for having little drawing ability if I am forced to take Drawing 1?

I began to consider this as a result of the fun I had with Paint Shop Pro this morning:

photo from SingAHappySong

2. I am considering using my second Phusebox (UntilLater- which was created when I was having technical difficulties with my current username) as a place for me to post devotions. Nathan suggested this, and I had been considering the idea already. This consideration is highly possible, in fact, I might make my first devotional post on there later today or tomorrow.

Also, I am still thinking about and praying about what God has in store for me concerning youth and drama stuff. Thanks for all the encouragement guys... y'all rock my socks!

I'm almost finished with Between A Rock and A Hard Place... I just have to finish the last chapter... which is extremely long...

Anna's New Looks

August 07 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

Seriously though...

God called me out this morning. I had a negative attitude about Sunday School (again). God spoke to me through the worship time as I prayed for a change of heart. It doesn't matter whether or not I like the music or the teaching or anything else, what matters is my heart. Is my heart in the right place? Am I there to worship God? Obviously I was not. But when God revealed that to me, it was a good class. I really enjoyed the teaching this morning... well as much as you can enjoy God totally calling you out...

Because I judge entirely too much. In James 4 we are instructed not to slander others. As a girl, I tend to gossip. As a human being, I tend to judge. As a Christian, I should be striving to overcome both. And just when I thought I was doing better... I realized I wasn't.

I'm sorry I've judged you. That's right, YOU. If you are reading this, if you know me, if you've spoken to me, if I've ever looked at you, I've judged you. Yes, it is human nature. And I'm sorry.

So Sunday School actually went well, and service was fine, and then during the ministry fair I couldn't find Mom, and I was hungry, and I just wanted to go away. And between some different conversations I realized that I really do not know where I am supposed to be heading.

The "something" I mentioned before NY was youth ministry. I talked to Chris today... and I'm definitely going to be doing something with youth. As of now, it doesn't look like a whole lot, but I'm going to keep praying about it. And then there's this new drama ministry... or revived drama ministry... and there's also the youth drama team I said I would help with but now... I don't know... I need prayer. Pray that God guides me.

That's the story of my life right now. And always really. God guiding me through everything: what kind of car to buy, what to do in college, what to do in church, my everyday choices in life...

I hope you know... I love you all.

Movies, Shoes, Swimming, Cars, Laundry, and College

August 06 2005
Go to Garrett's tonight at 7 for a movie night! You know you want to!

I bought Reeboks today... which I've never had before... I think I like them... ha ha... they're super white right now which is kinda scary... I think they'll look better when they've been dirtied up...

I really don't have anything to say. How sad. Garrett and I swam earlier today, but it wasn't very long before the thunder started rumbling... oh well...

Car update: Though we're pretty much looking at Toyotas, Mom spotted a blue 2001 Cheverlot Prizim... not a bad canidate...

The Snuggle bear is becomming more and more scary...

College is approaching... excitment building!

Fully Loving = Fully Living = God's Glory!

August 05 2005
"The glory of God is man fully alive." -Saint Irenaeus

"...that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live." -Deut. 30:6b

"See, I set before you today life and prosperity..." -from Deut 30:15

To be fully alive is to fully love God. When we fully love God, His glory is revealed. Therefore, to be fully alive is to reveal God's glory. When we follow Him and love Him, we fully live because He directs in our paths what it takes to live life fully for Him.


Tonight is that swing music concert thing on the Square. Garrett and I are going... it should be fun! Also, we should all do something tomorrow night. Anna and I have been talking about it... any suggestions?

Mom said we might get a car for her and then I would get hers... that would be amazing. I love the 2000 black Toyota Camry with spoiler... But right now, anything decent and running would be nice...

Mom and Dad went and ate Chinese for lunch today. My Dad brought home a fortune cookie for me and this is what it said: "This is a good time to consider formally helping others."

Hmmm... interesting...

Speaking of Blessings for Those Who Wait...

August 04 2005
I seriously might FINALLY be getting a car soon!

Blessings For Those Who Wait...

August 03 2005
When we wait for God, He will bless us. We may not like it or agree with His timing, but it always works out for the best. We may not understand it, but God has it under control.

"If there is no strain, there will be no strength." -Oswald Chambers

I think I may pursue this "something" that I mentioned before I left for NY... I'll keep y'all informed...

I *heart* iPods... they rock...

Is it just me, or are the groups on here getting dumber and dumber, not to mention somewhat hostile, by the second?

My heart's desires... mean something... God gave them to me for a reason... if I follow Him, He will lead me there...

Pray for my Mamaw. This morning my dad and I went over to where she and my Papaw live and she said she wasn't feeling well. Granted, the woman is nearly 90, but she's been in pretty good health her whole life...

Mom and I went shopping at Cool Springs yesterday. I got the most adorable jacket ever! I like it...

Congrats to the Girl Scouts I saw in the paper this morning... I was amazed by how many I knew...

Just some random musings for the day...

I'll see most of you tonight... have a great day!

Paint The Town!!!

August 02 2005
I am finally home! As glad as I am to be home, my week at Paint The Town was incredibly awesome! I never knew what a blessing painting a school in the Bronx could be!

There were some fun times... like Belle Aire people hanging out in the Prayer Room... jamming out to the live version of "Take My Hand" by Shawn McDonald excessive times in the van... hanging out at the Bronx Starbucks... going to the Brooklyn Tabernacle and encountering God... There were some scary times... like getting lost at the Bronx at 1:30 in the morning... And there were some times I did not feel like serving, like at the Block Party and the last day of painting.

All in all though, it was a great week! I have so many stories and so much to say so I don't know what to specifically point out! Be sure to browse through my pictures and feel free to ask questions about my trip and I'll be glad to answer them in my next post. I think the greatest thing God revealed to me is that He has such awesome visions and plans for my life is I am willing to listen to Him for them! The whole week in NY and then on Sunday at The Point Church in NJ the speakers kept talking about Nehemiah and God's vision to us... I think God may be trying to tell me something here! I'm still praying about possible future opprtunities...

Here's a few of the new pictures you'll find in my photo box from this week:

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

photo from SingAHappySong

*EDIT* Ah yes, and I failed to mention the lack of air conditioning at the beginning of the week... but I am sure you will hear about that from the others... God definitely tested us at the beginning of it all... and it all worked out for His good...

New York, New York...

July 23 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

Well, I believe this shall be my last entry until Monday, August 1. *Tear* I shall miss you all, but I shall return... Please pray for this trip and that God really works through the whole group!

What's with me saying "shall"?!

Anyhow, for all of you to remember me by, I thought I would share a couple of funny stories:

1.) Yesterday, I was running up the stairs in my townhouse. For those of who do not know, I 1.) Have never lived in a house with stairs before this one and 2.) Am a complete klutz sometimes. And so, I am running up the stairs, I fall, and now I have this nasty bruise knot thing on my shin. It's very lovely indeed. As Garrett said last night when I told him the story: "Only you could fall up the stairs!" Too true...

2.) My mom and I went to Rafael's today, and they had this really stupid but funny show on called The 70's House. Apparently, it is this MTV reality show where they stick these people in a house and make them act like they're in the 70's. Slowly but surely, after rigorious competitions (like playing dodgeball against professional wrestlers) and such, contestants are elinminated. If you ever happen to be flipping through the channels and see a bunch of people wearing 70's getup on MTV, you might want to pause and just watch it for a few moments, just for a good laugh.

Don't forget... Starbucks at 7!!!

God and Coffee

July 22 2005
"God first seeks devotion to Him in the hidden place- worship when no one else is watching." -Matt Redman

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." -C.S. Lewis

"I've always known this wasn't home." -Bethany Dillon

I finished the little book I mentioned yesterday, and it turned out to be super awesome! It was a great way for me to connect with God when I wasn't really feeling anything at all.

Please be in prayer for me guys... well first off for my trip (I can't believe I leave the day after tomorrow...) but secondly for this: Last night Garrett randomly mentioned something to me, and told me that he thinks I should do it. Well, I had been thinking about it already, and hearing him say that out of no where just seemed to be further confirmation. So if y'all would please pray for everything to work out the way it's supposed to I would greatly appreciate it!

I love each and every one of you so much!!!

All the cool kids are going to Starbucks tomorrow night at 7. I'll be sure to remind you tomorrow as well... because you need to be there!

The Glory of God Through Us

July 21 2005
I spent some time today reading a few chapters in a random little book I found in our house called The Unquenchable Worshipper by Matt Redman. I don't know what in the universe made me start thinking back to Big Stuf... I guess just thinking about the awesome worship there made me think of it... and I thought about Louie and some of the things he said. As Christians, we're supposed to work as hard as we can to be the best at whatever we do, so that others will see the glory of God radiating through us.

That is a form of worship... that is worship... our lifestyle. What we do and how we live. So, I want to be involved with video production. Whether I work in Hollywood or make videos like the one we saw last night or do something with music videos in both the Christian and mainstream markets... I am to do it in a way that will honor God, please God, and radiate God.

I remember the relief I felt when Louie said that we can just chill out and be normal people... we don't have to push Jesus into people's faces in order to radiate Him. I don't have to tell everyone on a set about Jesus. Rather, I should strive to be the best producer, director, friend, employee, whatever I am to each person, that I possibly can be, and God will work through it.

I don't know what this has to do with anything. Maybe it's just encouragement before New York. Maybe God just wants me to know that if I am the best painter I can be on the trip, He will handle the rest and work through it.

"The glory of God is man fully alive." -Saint Ireneus

Children, I Am Afraid I Have Some Most Unfortunate News...

July 20 2005

Brian was killed by Kelly tonight with a knife at Davy Crockett's.

photo from SingAHappySong

I also ate the worst $7 meal in my life, and I spilled my water all over Kelly (sorry again girl!) but it was still pretty fun. Most of all, I'm excited for Clint and Rachel and their new baby! YAY!

So... everyone... well maybe I shouldn't say everyone... but a lot of people are really learning a lot right now. I don't feel like I'm drifting away from God, but I don't feel any closer. But this morning I kept reading about how God is always working even we don't see it. So that is what I standing on and believing in... I don't feel anything or see anything, but He's still there, working in my life, probably preparing my heart for my upcoming trip...

I Hope This Makes You Happy, Brian...

July 20 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

I uploaded some more pictures from the Valentine's Day banquet (I only had one before, and Brian was apalled that he was not in it... but of course, he not only acted in the play but wrote it). So seeing these pictures again reminded me how much I really love to act. And even though I don't think that acting is a large part of my future, I still think this is a talent God gave me to use and enjoy. So where this leads I do not know... it may be as simple as co-leading the creative team this upcoming year...

I can't stop thinking about college... I am so excited about the opprotunity to branch out and learn so many new things...

I Have Nothing to Say... So I Will Let the Bears do it For Me

July 19 2005
Putting together my new bulletin board…

photo from SingAHappySong

My new bulletin board… (If you’re looking at this and thinking “I am one of Amy’s best friends, where I am on this?" then you’re probably somewhere else in my room)

photo from SingAHappySong

Contemplating how the things I will need for NY will fit into a small suitcase…

photo from SingAHappySong

Thinking about college…

photo from SingAHappySong

Yahoo story says of Bush's Supreme Court Justice nominee... I thought it was funny...

"Abortion rights groups allege that Roberts, while deputy solicitor general during former Bush's administration, was hostile to women's reproductive freedom..."

I Never Would Have Believed...

July 18 2005
If you had told me at the beginning of my freshman year... I wouldn't have believed you...

I never would have believed that I would have the opprotunity to go to England for a mission trip.

I never would have believed that I would have the chance to go to Orlando for a leadership conference and bond with some pretty amazing people.

I never would have believed I would have moved from Texas to Tennessee between my sophomore and junior year.

I never would have believed that I would finish my high school years at a public school that was not Clearbrook (the school I desperately wanted to go to my 9th grade year).

I never would have believed how not too bad such a huge transition would be for me.

I never would have believed that I would meet such a great guy and started dating him in high school, and not college.

I never would have believed I would find friends as crazy as me.

I never would have believed that I would travel to New York City three times before attending college.

I never would have believed all of those things, but they happened. And they are such blessings from God. When we follow God, he blesses us... not always with money and things... but sometimes with opprotunities, relationships, daily experiences. When I think about all that God has done in my life the past four years... wow... and just to think... that He wants to be actively involved in the next four years... who knows what could be in store for me!

I leave for NY (for the 3rd time) this Sunday. I'm not as excited as I should be, but I should be as I reflect on all these things God has done for me. Please pray for me, that God will prepare me for this trip, and that He would blow me away. I know He wants me to go, and the group of people I'm going to be with is awesome... just little fears and worries from Satan... but God has bigger and better things in mind... Jeremiah 29:11-13...

Yay I'm Home!!!

July 17 2005
Here are some pictures, just like I promised. I threw in a couple of bear pictures... just for you Nathan...


photo from SingAHappySong

Relaxing at my aunt and uncle’s…

photo from SingAHappySong

Mom getting attacked by Lucy, the demon dog…

photo from SingAHappySong

Still in love after all these years…

photo from SingAHappySong

My goofy granddaddy…

photo from SingAHappySong

Good movie…

photo from SingAHappySong

I’ve got a golden ticket…

photo from SingAHappySong

Bears like Willy Wonka too… (all of these minus one belong to my aunt and uncle)

photo from SingAHappySong

Stopping for a photo…

photo from SingAHappySong

Pretty Good Day

July 16 2005
Fourteen months with Garrett today... but I don't get to see him. I'm still is MS... but I come home tomorrow. Saw Charlie and The Chocolate Factory... and it was pretty good. I wore my brand new white capris... and they got muddy. Oh well. It was still a good day!

The Beautiful Things In Life

July 15 2005
If you are as crazy about pictures as I am, you have to check some photo contest winner entries at They're awesome! I wish everything in life was that beautiful... that's why I love photography... I love the way it captures the most beautiful and precious things in life...

And some things... if only you could capture them... memories, emotions, feelings...

Speaking of pictures, I will have a few MS pics to upload when I get home... whoo hoo...

Anyhow, I haven't done much today in MS. Mom and I shopped earlier and right now I'm up to nothing until Mom picks me up to go see Granddaddy again. I come home Sunday... and then I go to NY the week after next, which is totally surreal to me right now...

This morning my aunt showed my mom and me pictures from a cruise she and my uncle took a few years ago. Actually, most of the pictures were taken by the woman who took care of their cabin. Oh, and the pictures were of bears... with various props... LOL... I am NOT the only one!

I'm ready for college. I think. I hope.

"...we are living in this beautiful, broken world..." -Warren Barfield

Live, Laugh, and Love

July 14 2005
Today was kinda rough... but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

First off, my trip down here went well. Everything went smoothly and we had a good evening and night in MS. Today, we visited my granddad in the hospital. There's some things you have to know about my granddad before I continue...

He was a Marine in WW2. He was a pastor. He used to take walks in the mall for exercise. He loves people and he loves to laugh and cut up. He's just a crazy character. I knew his memory was slipping some, but I didn't think it would ever be bad enough to be Althiemer's (sp?). Well, today the doctor says he thinks that Granddaddy has a moderate case of it.

He didn't do bad at all though. He was cutting up, laughing, and be goofy. He had some memory issues, like with names and stuff, and I think that he imagined me being younger, but he still did really well. He knew who we were, and he never seemed to be agitated or anything of that sort. It was a blessing. It was also draining, however.

While he was crazy as usual, he also got real emotional. He was like a man on his death bed, who kept telling us how much he loved us and was proud of us and how much we meant to him. And he looked right at me and told me to enjoy life. To always find joy, and to always love. He kept saying he was crying tears of happiness because of what a great life he has had.

What seemed weird to me though, was later (or maybe it was earlier) when Grandma talked about how he had been depressed... saying that he wasn't any good and all that. I don't understand how my Granddad could say that. He has lived a long and fulfilling life. There is this incredible war story involving my Granddad where he should have died, but he didn't. God had plans for him.

He was a pastor and helped a lot of people. He raised a family. He still brings joy and laughter into my life and the lives of others. Oh, and he's still madly in love with my Grandma. I don't know how many times he looked over at his 77 year old wife and commented how beautiful and special she was... and that just rocks. One of the deepest desires of my heart is to grow old with a man who is that crazy about me.

So it was a special time, but afterwards, for a couple hours, I was so out of it. But it was a blessing to hear his words of wisdom. He's such an awesome man of God. Even though he doesn't talk about God all the time, I can still see that in him. Oh, and a pastor from a local Baptist church came in shortly before we left and prayed with us, and that was awesome.

So my friends, let us live, and love, and laugh.

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

July 13 2005
THE GOOD: I changed my geology lab time to a better time that may be early, but at least I can go home earlier. My new lab is also a lot smaller than my old lab. And only one boy. Ha ha we will smite him. He'll probably be excited but I'll let him know I'm taken.

THE BAD: I leave for Mississippi today. We weren't supposed to leave for Mississippi until tomorrow. I love my family but... I'm afraid this may be a depressing trip... mainly because my grandfather is currently in the hospital... And I have to miss church both tonight and Sunday. Boo.

THE UGLY: My townhouse almost blew up last night. (In response to one girl, you may have lived in my complex before...) Ok, I am slightly exaggerating, but not too much. This time it happened at about 11. It smelled like something was burning, so I went downstairs to make sure we weren't on fire. Daddy was downstairs and explained that when he came home from work that the hot water heater was smoking! So he turned it off... and our house was saved... and I really, really hope it doesn't blow up while we're in MS... and oh so unfortunately, our fire alarm doesn't work either... so we need to get that problem fixed as well..

Anyhow, I am sorry I do not get to see all of you tonight. Oh, and in regard to two of the remarks, a FaceBook isn't really a journal, but just a profile of yourself and what you're doing in college. You can easily find other kids that go to your college or find old friends that go to other colleges and it's a good way to see what they're up to. Anyhow, I hope everyone has a great day... I'll try to keep y'all informed in Mississippi...

Early Morning Drama

July 12 2005
The phone rings. It's 1 something in the morning. "You have got to be kidding me," I think to myself. To my surprise, I hear my dad answer the phone. "Surely they are not asking him to come into work at this hour!" I thought.
I hear my mom and dad talking. What is going on? Not too long after the phone call, I hear another man's voice. WHY IS THERE A STRANGE MAN IN MY HOUSE AT THIS TIME?!
Every possibility of what could be happening is racing through my mind.
After hearing the man and my dad converse a while, I am relieved when my dad comes in my room and tells me that there is a leak in the house and that the dining room floor is soaked. Well if that's all, I can sleep in peace! Why did I have to wake up and worry about that?! Apparently Dad had been downstairs in the middle of the night and noticed the condition of the carpet.

More men came to my house this morning, and I have brought you yet another bear picture to illustrate the aftermath. There is also now a noisy fan in the dining room that is supposed to help this situation. Go figure!

photo from SingAHappySong

I got a FaceBook the other day, and it's pretty cool. I've been able to connect with a lot of people from Riverdale and I even found a girl I met at Customs and an old friend from Texas. Chances are that if you are reading this and you have a FaceBook, I have probably requested your friendship (if you have not confirmed it already). If you're a college kid and don't have one, you should get one because it's pretty neat. And yes, there is a bear picture involving this as well. I thought y'all might be happy to see our old friends again.

photo from SingAHappySong