Pretty Good Day

July 16 2005
Fourteen months with Garrett today... but I don't get to see him. I'm still is MS... but I come home tomorrow. Saw Charlie and The Chocolate Factory... and it was pretty good. I wore my brand new white capris... and they got muddy. Oh well. It was still a good day!


July 16 2005
awww :tear: (for the capris and Garrett-lol) =P

Rachael Moore

July 16 2005
i saw that!!! i loved it! sorry about you not being able to see garrett and the mud on your capris...that is sad. but i love you!!!

Elisabeth Barber

July 17 2005
gahh i miss you girl. i havent spoke with you in such a long time! i will never forget you though. you were one of the nicest people i ever met at riverdale. i love you girl.


July 17 2005
aww wow, I can't believe you and your boyfriend have been dating that long! sorry you didn't get to see him on yalls special day. I hope you had a good time in MS though :)