Blessings For Those Who Wait...

August 03 2005
When we wait for God, He will bless us. We may not like it or agree with His timing, but it always works out for the best. We may not understand it, but God has it under control.

"If there is no strain, there will be no strength." -Oswald Chambers

I think I may pursue this "something" that I mentioned before I left for NY... I'll keep y'all informed...

I *heart* iPods... they rock...

Is it just me, or are the groups on here getting dumber and dumber, not to mention somewhat hostile, by the second?

My heart's desires... mean something... God gave them to me for a reason... if I follow Him, He will lead me there...

Pray for my Mamaw. This morning my dad and I went over to where she and my Papaw live and she said she wasn't feeling well. Granted, the woman is nearly 90, but she's been in pretty good health her whole life...

Mom and I went shopping at Cool Springs yesterday. I got the most adorable jacket ever! I like it...

Congrats to the Girl Scouts I saw in the paper this morning... I was amazed by how many I knew...

Just some random musings for the day...

I'll see most of you tonight... have a great day!


August 03 2005
man i want an ipod SOOO badly!! our camp show is next friday the 12th, at 5:30. and i think we'll be playing on the football field since it's supposed to be finished by then!! there will be a potluck afterwards


August 03 2005
he BETTER come!! lol the trumpet parts are AMAZING. he'll really like em i think :)


August 03 2005
The little girl I babysit just got an iPod. She just turned 11!


August 03 2005
Oh, and the groups are getting stupid.


August 03 2005
haha hopefully so. i always thought that the dancing was a little gay. but hey it gave us a day of doing nothing while the trumpets worked on that part. so it was ok with me :)

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

August 03 2005
Of course I read your post. lol. That's what made me miss my Belle Aire Crew. I'm glad you guys are back.


August 03 2005
:o I want an ipod too...but s'all good >.>;