Early Morning Drama

July 12 2005
The phone rings. It's 1 something in the morning. "You have got to be kidding me," I think to myself. To my surprise, I hear my dad answer the phone. "Surely they are not asking him to come into work at this hour!" I thought.
I hear my mom and dad talking. What is going on? Not too long after the phone call, I hear another man's voice. WHY IS THERE A STRANGE MAN IN MY HOUSE AT THIS TIME?!
Every possibility of what could be happening is racing through my mind.
After hearing the man and my dad converse a while, I am relieved when my dad comes in my room and tells me that there is a leak in the house and that the dining room floor is soaked. Well if that's all, I can sleep in peace! Why did I have to wake up and worry about that?! Apparently Dad had been downstairs in the middle of the night and noticed the condition of the carpet.

More men came to my house this morning, and I have brought you yet another bear picture to illustrate the aftermath. There is also now a noisy fan in the dining room that is supposed to help this situation. Go figure!

photo from SingAHappySong

I got a FaceBook the other day, and it's pretty cool. I've been able to connect with a lot of people from Riverdale and I even found a girl I met at Customs and an old friend from Texas. Chances are that if you are reading this and you have a FaceBook, I have probably requested your friendship (if you have not confirmed it already). If you're a college kid and don't have one, you should get one because it's pretty neat. And yes, there is a bear picture involving this as well. I thought y'all might be happy to see our old friends again.

photo from SingAHappySong


July 12 2005
haha.. your bear pictures are so adorable..


July 12 2005
Facebook is cool. Lol. Crazy water leaks.

the brian king kenobi

July 12 2005
i like the bear looking at the carpet.


July 12 2005
the bear thing cracks me up!


July 12 2005
wow i'd be wondering what in the world was going on too! haha and i absolutely love the bears! i love how he's just staring @ the carpet haha!


July 12 2005
that's insane about what happened to yalls carpet! but yes, gotta love the bears :)


July 12 2005
I, also, think the bears are adorable. However, I'm not a college kid =P and I don't have a facebook (what is a facebook? >.>) And if my guesses are correct, it's another journal thing. I've already got 4...I don't think I need another. x_X


July 12 2005
The bears are nifty.. What's a facebook?

Jessica Byrd

July 12 2005
from what i can see in the first picture, your kitchen looks alot like my old kitchen in a town home i lived in. hrm. i like the bearts they're cute.

Jessica Byrd

July 12 2005
bears*** silly keyboard.