Speaking of Blessings for Those Who Wait...

August 04 2005
I seriously might FINALLY be getting a car soon!


August 04 2005


August 04 2005
yay! we did agree while in NY that u need one haha

Anna Miller

August 04 2005
me tooooooo!


August 04 2005


August 04 2005
w00t! Car=awesome. ^^ I'll have a car to drive as soon as my brother leaves again for college. =D

Becky A.

August 04 2005
That's awesome that you might get a car soon! Congrats!


August 04 2005
haha... never even thought about it, but my boss probably did, he hates that. . . oh, and i'll autograph that if you'll bring it to church on sunday morning. . . haha...


August 04 2005
wooo hooo for new car!!! i need a new one to mine is about to kill over and die!!! lol!!! and ireally need to start that book but im lazy!!!

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

August 04 2005
new car? *confetti* awesome! So, what are you going to name it? lol. When I was little I used to name the cars we got: the NewNew Car, the Baby Blue car, Green Bean...I was creative when I was little.


August 05 2005
oooh, a car. That's awesome Amy! what kind of car are you thinking about getting? well, hope you have a great rest of the week :)