Some Considerations...

August 08 2005
Ok, so I am considering a couple of things:

1. Taking some graphic design classes in college for electives. I would do this through mass comm, however, for some strange reason I have to have 80 classes outside of mass comm, so I may actually be taking a couple of these classes through the ART department. I've never taken an art class in my life. I may have to take a couple of basic art classes before I move on to graphic design classes. Older college kids: do you know anything about the art department and the teachers? Will they smite me for having little drawing ability if I am forced to take Drawing 1?

I began to consider this as a result of the fun I had with Paint Shop Pro this morning:

photo from SingAHappySong

2. I am considering using my second Phusebox (UntilLater- which was created when I was having technical difficulties with my current username) as a place for me to post devotions. Nathan suggested this, and I had been considering the idea already. This consideration is highly possible, in fact, I might make my first devotional post on there later today or tomorrow.

Also, I am still thinking about and praying about what God has in store for me concerning youth and drama stuff. Thanks for all the encouragement guys... y'all rock my socks!

I'm almost finished with Between A Rock and A Hard Place... I just have to finish the last chapter... which is extremely long...


August 08 2005
those pics hurt my eyes :(


August 08 2005
amy those pictures are awesome.

Garrett Haynes

August 09 2005
uhhh we took the cardboard cut out pics in opry mills mall in this awesome movie store place that had like a ton of them


August 09 2005
Yes, I agree-awesome picture. =P Out of curiosity though, when did you stop the Wow Your World thing? o.O I have one in my e-mail account from Jan. 2, 2004. o.O But you just kinda stopped. ='( Hmm...Oh well. The devotional idea seems like a good idea. =)