The Glory of God Through Us

July 21 2005
I spent some time today reading a few chapters in a random little book I found in our house called The Unquenchable Worshipper by Matt Redman. I don't know what in the universe made me start thinking back to Big Stuf... I guess just thinking about the awesome worship there made me think of it... and I thought about Louie and some of the things he said. As Christians, we're supposed to work as hard as we can to be the best at whatever we do, so that others will see the glory of God radiating through us.

That is a form of worship... that is worship... our lifestyle. What we do and how we live. So, I want to be involved with video production. Whether I work in Hollywood or make videos like the one we saw last night or do something with music videos in both the Christian and mainstream markets... I am to do it in a way that will honor God, please God, and radiate God.

I remember the relief I felt when Louie said that we can just chill out and be normal people... we don't have to push Jesus into people's faces in order to radiate Him. I don't have to tell everyone on a set about Jesus. Rather, I should strive to be the best producer, director, friend, employee, whatever I am to each person, that I possibly can be, and God will work through it.

I don't know what this has to do with anything. Maybe it's just encouragement before New York. Maybe God just wants me to know that if I am the best painter I can be on the trip, He will handle the rest and work through it.

"The glory of God is man fully alive." -Saint Ireneus


July 21 2005
mmmhmm, so true. your post reminds me of that verse in Colossians that says "whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart as working for the Lord and not for men" but yes, good stuff Amy Powers! :)


July 21 2005
random books are good


July 21 2005
:o) that's awesome amy! i love that quote! sooo true! no matter what we're doing, God can work through it! He's God! All we're supposed to do is to daily love Him & live for Him, and no matter what we're doing...Christ will shine through us!

Anna Miller

July 22 2005
Yes. . . I think that reflecting Christ is our daily lives is one of the most powerful forms of worship. It makes people curious: "Why is she so happy even if she has a dark past?" "Why does he never get angry when someone is a complete jerk to him?" When THEY come to us with questions, we know we're doing our job in reflecting Christ. I loooove you so much Amy Powers!!!


July 22 2005
I wish I'd writen it, but no, it was Rich Mullins. Interestingly, he wrote it 9 days before he died in a car wreck. Good entry, by the way.