Thought of the Day

March 01 2006
So, did the Wicked Witch of the West ever take a shower?


March 01 2006
evidently not because she's green. that's can't be healthy.


March 01 2006
you know the air suction things that they have before people go into the super clean areas at like NASA and what not. thats what she did

Nathan Moore

March 01 2006
good theory patrick!


March 01 2006
wow. never thought of that.. haha.. patrick. u sound smart. haha.. i would have NEVER thought of something like taht.. but yet if she did do that.. then how come shes GREEN??? like EW.. haha.


March 01 2006
haha, maybe...but i think she was called "wicked" cuz of the stench from poor hygiene ::shrugs::

Sarah Vermillion

March 01 2006
In the book <i>Wicked</i>, she kept clean by using oils - kind of like the ancient Romans did sometimes.

Daniel Arnett

March 01 2006
I say that they didn't have the technology suggested by patrick...therefore I theorize she was dry clean only

Rachael Moore

March 01 2006
see nathan... look how many

Jesse Robinson

March 01 2006
Did u know that she really was not wicked. I saw this muscial in Chiago called wicked and she really was not wicked she was just trying to help people and it backfired. lol I know it is random but it made me think of it!

Amy Ayers

March 01 2006
I wouldnt shower either if melting was the outcome...

Super Ste

March 01 2006
thank-ya. and no, she didn't. EVER. ^_-

Super Ste

March 01 2006
ps - i want your hair

Bethany Bratcher

March 01 2006
I think she had gangrene


March 01 2006
i love the new icon pic .... awesome :)

Rachel Chase

March 02 2006
In the book and musical Wicked, she was born Wicked and couldn't take a shower cuz then she would melt. so she used oils to stay clean. p.s. she was born green cuz her mom drank this green elixer stuff the wizard gave her

Jonathan Moore

March 02 2006
Why do you think she was green? hmmmmm


March 02 2006
Some one took my idea about her being dry clean only. Considering that she would melt if she got wet, she obviously could not shower. This could explain the green color of her skin.


March 02 2006
Her skin is green from the mold. But that's what everyone is saying. So I'll just ruin the Wizard of Oz for you now by telling you that the Wicked Witch of the West is symbolic for the harsh evironmental conditions that farmers faced, and the water symbolized irrigation. Oh the things you learn in history class...


March 02 2006
You ruined it for me Amy! :)

Rachael Moore

March 02 2006
amy powers. i dislike strongly when people go all historic. why do people have to say he was writing that b/c of the farmers and the movement going on then. i love the wizard of oz, and i will stick by the thought of it merely being a children's book-- true classic. boo for people who try to draw symbolism. now that i have made a huge dork of myself....hahaha

Garrett Haynes

March 02 2006
maybe the real question should be how did she not die of dehydration! nice profile pic by the way.


March 02 2006 see.............little ms witchy did take showers. what happened is........when she was younger, she was playing on her broom when she fell. Her face and all of the rest of her body got grass's not really her fault....and that's also when she became mean because all the kids at witch school were mean to her so she became a there's your answer to the question of whether or not the


March 02 2006 see.............little ms witchy did take showers. what happened is........when she was younger, she was playing on her broom when she fell. Her face and all of the rest of her body got grass's not really her fault....and that's also when she became mean because all the kids at witch school were mean to her so she became a there's your answer to the question of whether or not the wicked witch of the west ever took showers --Becca


March 02 2006
sry bout that..........i didn't mean to leave it twice..........i wasn't finished typing but i pushed post

Maribeth Taglio

March 02 2006
I think green was a good color for her.. ha


March 02 2006
i think she didn't know about showers

Aaron Massey

March 02 2006
i think green is the grunge and mold worn on her from dung beatles.


March 02 2006
maybe she was just sick all the time......... so she turned green.......... which was why she was evil, because she was sick, and sick pepole aren't very happy in my experience.............i kno i'm never happy when i get sick............... :}


March 02 2006
I always just figured she was green because she was evil. o.O Quite honestly, If I saw a green person walking around the halls with a big pointy hat and a broomstick, I'd probably think they were evil. Refering to the question, I'd probably have to say that, no, she didn't take showers. How else could you get flying monkeys to follow you around?!?! They were probably her personal groomers. Monkeys like picking lice and what not off of people-cheap, free labor! It can't get much better than that. Also, the "wickedness" (i.e. stench) probably helped to spread the hostility around. You just can't act normal when you're staring at a green lady who doesn't take showers. I don't think she was much of a people-person.


March 03 2006
she was on nick& the green slim never came off after that.

Robert Lewis

March 03 2006
she had a hoarde of flying monkies to do her bidding . . . two words . . . sponge bath...

Rachael Moore

March 03 2006
i think it is funny how only some people really got this joke.

Carrie Clemmons

March 03 2006
she used oils. read the book. ;)