Life is Filled WIth Disappointments... But What Can One Do?

November 17 2005
I have come to a conclusion: TV is terribly corrupted. Actually, the whole media is corrupted because society is corrupted, and it's all Adam and Eve's fault. But that's another story... the point still is- TV is corrupted

I saw the most awesome plate frame today... "I'm not spoiled; I'm just well taken care of."

And then there was this bumper sticker: "Ok, I evolved, you didn't." If you want to come from a monkey and have no point to your life... whatever. I would much rather believe in a Creator who loves me and cares for me.

I got my second English paper back today. Another B+. That woman does not give A's. Ah well.

Tomorrow I get to go to the opera with my J-group! Ahhhhhh-some!

I can't wait until The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe!

18 Months...

November 16 2005

And I've learned so much...

Instead of going home after my last class, I had lunch with Sarah, Lauren, and Amy! I must say, it was great fun! I haven't hung out with them in a long time so it was great! Lauren and Sarah crack me up with all their plots against people... ha ha! Good times...

Another Possible Schedule...

November 14 2005
I keep changing it around; please feel free to give me your advice. I need six more hours of lower-division honors classes... at first I thought I would knock it out with psych and astronomy, and now I'm thinking Intro to EMC and astronomy. Anyhow, here's another schedule I cooked up:

Astronomy Honors
Computer Science Orientation

Intro to Electronic Media Communication Honors


Astronomy Honors Lab

Dance Appreciation
General Psychology

Busy Weekend

November 13 2005

Friday: Hoedown/hayride. It was alright. Hayride was cold. Fire was hot. Marshmellows were yummy.

Saturday: Mom and I went to Target and Books-a-Million. Took a nap before Garrett picked me up for the MTSU game. I enjoyed this game more than any other this season, even though we lost. Then Mom and I went to Bath and Body Works and Hallmark. Bath and Body Works has a good marketing strategy... they suck you in with a coupon deal, and then you buy into all their other deals. Yeah, we went there to get some free lotion with the purchase of any item, but also ended up falling for "buy three, get one free".

Today: Church this morning, then Garrett's grandma's 80th birthday party. Now I'm trying to bear through A Raisin in the Sun for the second time of my life. The basic plot: people who whine about their lives and how much they hate it.

When I have more time I'll be sure to upload pics from Friday!

*EDIT* A conversation (condensed version)...
Graham: You're bad at life.
Garrett: That would make the opposite of Leslie who is, according to Gabe, good at life.
Graham: I'm ok at life.
Garrett: And Amy just spills things.
Me: Yeah I do.
Graham: I don't think my girlfriend does life... she just does her own thing.
Me: I think you're right.

Living for a Passion

November 10 2005
How can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you?
Would you tell me
How could it be
Any better than this?
Because you're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything

You gotta love Lifehouse.

So last night was great. I have considered myself to be a passionate person, but it seems as I grow older, my passion decreases. That's really sad- it should be the other way around! I guess back in junior high I was so zealous because I was just discovering what it really means to walk with Christ and I was so ready to change the world. As I grew older, I guess I grew more disappointed with the world- it seemed so- impossible. And yet, my favorite stories are about the passionate people who strive to change the world becuase secretly- that's who I want to be. That's the way I was created to be. I don't want to hide that anymore.

It's Official...

November 09 2005
I have a job. I'm gonna start working in a business office on campus later this month. Goodbye free time, but hello money...

I stole this from Jenna's Facebook photo album... everyone's catching on to the wave now:

Photo Uploading on Facebook?!

November 08 2005
Man I feel slow! So today I got on Facebook and I was like... whoa picture uploads! So I spend like hours uploading pics and everything... and then I realize that I have friends who created albums a couple of weeks ago and I suddenly realized... this has been around... and I totally missed the boat! So anyhow, now I have lots of photos on my Facebook, but of course, Phusebox is still the best in the West! Or anywhere for that matter!

Fun Times at the Rec Center

November 07 2005
Oh yeah... Anna and I are hardcore...

We went to the Rec Center... and we didn't die...

We worked out on the treadmill, jogged a lap around the track, rode two different types of stationary bicycles, did "bouncy ball crunches", lifted 5-point weights, and played raquetball! I even managed to get the ball on the track level once! Oops...

And then we worked our abs on a nice green couch... at least that's what Alex Rader said we were doing... ha ha... working towards one big stomach muscle...

And we're soooo gonna do it all again...

Moldy Bread, Spring Schedule, and God

November 06 2005
Note to self: Always check bread before eating. It may be moldy. Mmmm... penacillion...

Ok, this is my tenative schedule for next semester (meaning... I really hope this works out!):
MWF- COMM2200 (Fundamentals of Communication)
SOC1010 (Intro to Sociology)

TR- PSY1410 (General Psych Honors)
HIST 2020 (Survey of American History 2... nevermind that I haven't taken 1 yet...)
EMC 2410 (Intro to Electronic Media Communication)

So, if you are planning to take any of those classes, let me know, and maybe we can coordinate being in the same class together.

Great quote: "We never realize at the time what God is putting us through- we go through it more or less without understanding. Then suddenly we come to a place of enlightenment, and realize- 'God has stengthened me and I didn't even know it!' " -Oswald Chambers

I'm Officially Cool...

November 04 2005
...a photography student asked me if she could take my picture today. 

As Misc. As It Gets

November 03 2005
Why doesn't anything at MTSU make sense? I think they are conspiring against me on many levels...

It's been a loooong day.

Is anyone going to the PJ party tomorrow night?

Who's going to Passion? I seriously want to know what's going on with all this because according to Amy Bonin I need to get a ticket before December 1.

I may have a job on campus this January. I'll miss my free time, but it'll be a good thing.


November 02 2005
Jason was right- Final Cut Pro Express only works on Mac.

And I feel out of the loop.

And trying to come up with my schedule for next semester is not fun.

An Interesting Day...

November 01 2005
Well, I think I did well on my Understanding Mass Media test. What a relief. I think I'm better at essays than multiple choice... odd... well unless of course I just have no earthly idea about the subject whatsoever.

English was the big surprise today. Dr. Thierren kept me after class to tell me how good my mid-term was (it too was all essay). It was such a high compliment... I could not believe it...

Then I walkd with Garrett to the bookstore and ended up sticking around to talk to Justin Vance, and things changed...

Ha ha... this was taken with a G5 Mac computer using Photo Booth. And yes, it is a distorted feature; Justin and I do not really look like that... ha ha... But anyhow, we talked about the $600 G4 on sale, but I think I've decided to wait until I'm deeper into my major to make sure I'm sticking with it to invest the money into everything I need. I do, however, think I may look into buying more memory or RAM for my current PC,  and requesting the video camera and Final Cut Pro Express for Christmas, so I can start to play around with it.

7 Things

October 31 2005
7 things I plan to do before I die:

1) Get married
2) Have kids
3) Travel Europe
4) Write and publish a book
5) Make a full-length movie (even if it's never released to the public)
6) See Phantom of the Opera on Broadway
7) Obtain a backstage pass to a concert

7 things I can do:

1) Take pictures
2) Act
3) Swing dance
4) Bake
5) Scrapbook
6) Study (apparently some find this to be amazing)
7) Touch my elbows behind my back                                                   

7 things I cannot do:

1) Deny God
2) Hurt someone I love on purpose
3) Buy an article of clothing without at least some sort of asthetic value to me (even if it is entirely practical)
4) Become a Democrat
5) Inhale smoke without gagging or coughing
6) Be interested in geology :-P
7) Turn down yummy-looking chocolate (or at least it's pretty rare)

7 things that attract me to another person:

1) Sense of humor
2) Love for God
3) Upbeat personality
4) Smile
5) Listens
6) Talent
7) Intellect

Runaway Llama!!!

October 30 2005
The retreat was fun...

I was quite disappointed that all I saw of the Coker Creek llama was the back of him at a distance. How sad. I was hoping to make a new llama friend. Apparently Hodge got a picture of him... that's pretty awesome.

So last night some random verses in Ezekiel really jumped out at me and I felt like God was speaking to me through them. It was awesome.

I mostly hung out with Garrett, Graham, Jolene from my mass comm class, her roommate Kati (she and Jolene recently joined my J-group), and their friend Lacey. Yay for new friends! Yesterday during free time I found myself talking to Garrett, Graham, and Jolene about everything from politics to Star Wars... quite a range indeed.

Things I learned and will remember for all future AO trips:
1. Always check the weather forecast and pack accordingly.
2. Never take your class ring.
3. Always bring your fully charged iPod and your pillow for the road trip.
4. Eat when you have the chance, because you may very well not have a chance to eat dinner until midnight.
5. Watch out for CocoBell!

I suppose that's all for tonight... I think I'm gonna start getting ready for bed pretty soon here... it was a long weekend! Back to school tomorrow- bleh!

Quote of the day:
"There's another Christian author I would like to recommend to you. His name is Paul. Now turn with me to Colossians." -Trevor Atwood

A Little Bit of Everything...

October 28 2005
I have decided that I love cool weather but I'm not the hugest fan of cold weather, unless I am properly attired and not walking long distances.

We're meeting up for the fall retreat in less than 1 hour... whoo hoo... I have no idea what we're doing but I think it'll be good! I'm seriously bringing a school book... I doubt I'll look at it, unless my friend Jolene and I decide to have a study session... but oh well.

So yes, losing the World Series wouldn't be so bad but getting sweept is a bummer. But looking at the scores, I think it's safe to say the Astros did what they could... the White Sox are just better. They're an American league team... and everyone knows that even though they're not half as cool, they are just better than the National league teams for the most part. Anyhow, I'm still proud of my 'Stros for making it to the big time. They worked hard for it.

I took my draft of my second paper to my English teacher yesterday... I have a lot less to work on this time around than last, which is very good. She also said that my last paper was actually one of the better ones from our class, so happy dance to that! It's very encouraging to hear that... I mean... writing is a big deal to me, and I'm in a class with sophomores...

Have you noticed that most of my titles end with ... ?

Congrats to Rach and Nathan!

Goodbye Phone Phobia...

October 26 2005
I have talked to the following people on the phone today about my mom's successful surgery:
~2 different doctors
~A woman in my parent's Sunday school class
~Two of my aunts
~My other aunt and uncle's answering machine
~My Papaw and Mamaw
~And finally mom
And I still have to call my grandma and one of my mom's co-workers...

I'm Just THAT Good...

October 25 2005
Me: "I made a 12 out of 10 on my theatre project!"
Garrett: "Well that's good... and mathematically impossible."

Happiness is... Being With Friends

October 24 2005
So after my lab class this morning I found Amy A., Amy B., Nathan M., and Sarah B. in the KUC and hung out with them, but the group ended up dwindling down to Amy A., Sarah, and Lauren. It was so great though, because I filled up all my breaks with scholarship work so I can go home earlier. And while going home earlier is nicer, so is hanging out with my buddies, so I was so glad to see them.

And speaking of friends, I have 100 Phusebox friends now. Woot.

Just For Kicks...

October 23 2005
My mom's having surgery on Wednesday (please remember to pray for her) so we went up to the Vanderbilt area so I would know how to go there in case of an emergency and I had to go pick Mom up. Wow... it's such an awesome area. If I was richer and smarter and not interested in mass comm, I would go to Vandy. But then I would be a completely different person...

Today was pretty uneventful other than that. Now for a completely random story that I meant to tell on Thursday...

So I went to the Mass Comm building to go watch a Chinese movie for extra credit in my Understanding Mass Media class. Since this movie is disrupting my eating schedule, and all they offer at the movie is stale popcorn, I decide to purchase a bag of M&M's to hold me over for the next couple of hours. So as the machine is vending, when, well, you guessed it, the bag gets STUCK!!! Agh! I stand there in front of the machine, thinking and pondering. I try a few kicks, try sticking my hand up through the thing (you would have to have a twig for an arm for that to work), and wonder if I should risk buying another bag in hopes that both will come out.

"I feel like I'm in a bad sitcom!" I cry out with a kick.

Down come the M&M's.

The moral of the story: Anything is possible with a good kick!