Fun Times at the Rec Center

November 07 2005
Oh yeah... Anna and I are hardcore...

We went to the Rec Center... and we didn't die...

We worked out on the treadmill, jogged a lap around the track, rode two different types of stationary bicycles, did "bouncy ball crunches", lifted 5-point weights, and played raquetball! I even managed to get the ball on the track level once! Oops...

And then we worked our abs on a nice green couch... at least that's what Alex Rader said we were doing... ha ha... working towards one big stomach muscle...

And we're soooo gonna do it all again...


November 07 2005
oooh-fun. I need to work out. x_X


November 07 2005
ohh man i LOVE good workouts! i always feel so refreshed & good about myself afterwards.... & then.. i go & eat a huge bowl of icecream.. which totally defeats the purpose of working out.. haha