Runaway Llama!!!

October 30 2005
The retreat was fun...

I was quite disappointed that all I saw of the Coker Creek llama was the back of him at a distance. How sad. I was hoping to make a new llama friend. Apparently Hodge got a picture of him... that's pretty awesome.

So last night some random verses in Ezekiel really jumped out at me and I felt like God was speaking to me through them. It was awesome.

I mostly hung out with Garrett, Graham, Jolene from my mass comm class, her roommate Kati (she and Jolene recently joined my J-group), and their friend Lacey. Yay for new friends! Yesterday during free time I found myself talking to Garrett, Graham, and Jolene about everything from politics to Star Wars... quite a range indeed.

Things I learned and will remember for all future AO trips:
1. Always check the weather forecast and pack accordingly.
2. Never take your class ring.
3. Always bring your fully charged iPod and your pillow for the road trip.
4. Eat when you have the chance, because you may very well not have a chance to eat dinner until midnight.
5. Watch out for CocoBell!

I suppose that's all for tonight... I think I'm gonna start getting ready for bed pretty soon here... it was a long weekend! Back to school tomorrow- bleh!

Quote of the day:
"There's another Christian author I would like to recommend to you. His name is Paul. Now turn with me to Colossians." -Trevor Atwood


October 30 2005
hahaha-nice quote =P


October 30 2005
(and seeing as I'm just discovering the wonders of phusebox) no, that's not a prom picture. It's an orchestra banquet picture though. Only seniors get to go to prom down here unless you're invited by a senior. =P

jeff martin

October 30 2005
Liked your list of things to do b4 an AO trip. Oh so true. How was that talk about Star Wars btw? I heard Graham going on about it in the distance. Neway, TTYL. -Jeff


November 01 2005
i loved it when trevor said that! haha! hilarious! i'm glad you had a good weekend! the retreat was great! and i definitely learned those same things! haha especially the food! geez i was starving friday! :o)