Just For Kicks...

October 23 2005
My mom's having surgery on Wednesday (please remember to pray for her) so we went up to the Vanderbilt area so I would know how to go there in case of an emergency and I had to go pick Mom up. Wow... it's such an awesome area. If I was richer and smarter and not interested in mass comm, I would go to Vandy. But then I would be a completely different person...

Today was pretty uneventful other than that. Now for a completely random story that I meant to tell on Thursday...

So I went to the Mass Comm building to go watch a Chinese movie for extra credit in my Understanding Mass Media class. Since this movie is disrupting my eating schedule, and all they offer at the movie is stale popcorn, I decide to purchase a bag of M&M's to hold me over for the next couple of hours. So as the machine is vending, when, well, you guessed it, the bag gets STUCK!!! Agh! I stand there in front of the machine, thinking and pondering. I try a few kicks, try sticking my hand up through the thing (you would have to have a twig for an arm for that to work), and wonder if I should risk buying another bag in hopes that both will come out.

"I feel like I'm in a bad sitcom!" I cry out with a kick.

Down come the M&M's.

The moral of the story: Anything is possible with a good kick!


October 23 2005
of course it was a real movie. me and 5 of my friends got grace's family's video camera and a flashlight and went in her backyard and taped it. the we had the premiere. we made like five sixth graders watch it. they were so scared they... laughed.

jeff martin

October 23 2005
We will all be prayin for ur mom...... i agree whole heartedly, anything can be solved with a good kick


October 23 2005
I love kicking vending machines.

Tricia Romano

October 23 2005
lol that's great...what irony...