A Little Bit of Everything...

October 28 2005
I have decided that I love cool weather but I'm not the hugest fan of cold weather, unless I am properly attired and not walking long distances.

We're meeting up for the fall retreat in less than 1 hour... whoo hoo... I have no idea what we're doing but I think it'll be good! I'm seriously bringing a school book... I doubt I'll look at it, unless my friend Jolene and I decide to have a study session... but oh well.

So yes, losing the World Series wouldn't be so bad but getting sweept is a bummer. But looking at the scores, I think it's safe to say the Astros did what they could... the White Sox are just better. They're an American league team... and everyone knows that even though they're not half as cool, they are just better than the National league teams for the most part. Anyhow, I'm still proud of my 'Stros for making it to the big time. They worked hard for it.

I took my draft of my second paper to my English teacher yesterday... I have a lot less to work on this time around than last, which is very good. She also said that my last paper was actually one of the better ones from our class, so happy dance to that! It's very encouraging to hear that... I mean... writing is a big deal to me, and I'm in a class with sophomores...

Have you noticed that most of my titles end with ... ?

Congrats to Rach and Nathan!

Rachael Moore

October 28 2005
aw thanks amy! i hope you have fun at the retreat!


October 28 2005
Hmm...yes, I tend to end things with "..." too. x_X I'm getting better though. >.>


October 30 2005
of course i'm interested in winter wonder slam. i definatley think it would be awesome to go to. i could just meet yall there in nashville. piece