
July 18 2005

"Pone me ut signaculum super cor tuum ut signaculum super brachium tuum quia fortis est ut mors dilectio dura sicut inferus aemulatio lampades eius lampades ignis atque flammarum. Aquae multae non poterunt extinguere caritatem nec flumina obruent illam si dederit homo omnem substantiam domus suae pro dilectione quasi nihil despicient eum."


I'm thoroughly confused.

But I guess that's the point of being sixteen.

How Can I Keep Myself From Singing?

July 17 2005

I feel like I'm about five years old. Glitter! Play-doh!

I love you.

Plural you, that is. I haven't found my singular you, just yet.

Did you know I'm an evil genius?

Operation Relive Childhood

July 16 2005

Well, I've finished it. It was good, but left me feeling a little...dissatisfied. And a little disapointed. To be fair, there were a lot of good moments, but the entire romance chunk of the book was utter blarmy.


Jesse and I conducted "Operation Relive Childhood" last night, going to watch CatCF (see what being a Harry Potter fan has done to my willingness to write out titles??) and I must say, the film was magnificant. Johnny Depp was perfect. My favorite characters, hands down, were Violet and her mother. The movie was hilarious, and about equal with the original in my book, though different.

THEN we proceeded to Starbucks (which incidently did not feature prominantly in my childhood, but whatever) to load up on caffeine before heading to Books-A-Million. To sum up, the store was in a state of organized chaos, sans the organization. But I got the book within two minutes of midnight, so I'm not complaining.

I was up til five reading it. Then I slept until ten and finished it this afternoon. Lauren's birthday party is tonight, so I will see many of you there.

Much love,
hypedupsleepdeprivedchildhoodrelived Christina


July 15 2005

The age-old, million dollar question, deeply debated and yet unresolved:

Who's hotter in Pirates of the Carribean (or in general),

Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom?


July 14 2005

Well, I managed to get out of the house and have a nice time today. When I do dig myself out of the black death hole of antisocialism (not that I'm against socialism....or wait, yes I am) I find that I enjoy myself. Usually, though, I'm stuck at home eating lime sherbert and watching Ella Enchanted with my little sister. But that's not so bad. Lime sherbert is actually quite good - sherbert in general is really underrated. Anyway, I'm rambling pointlessly.

This afternoon I came to the conclusion that trees are a excellent representation of God's love. I had a whole thoery behind it, too. Amazing stuff, I could've written a book. But then I fell asleep and when I woke up I had completely forgotten. Ces't la vie. Mark my words, though, it was a brilliant concept.

I couldn't have coffee today due to having my pearly whites worked on yesterday, so going to Starbucks was a little saddening. Word of warning, the Strawberries and Creme "frappucino" tastes like strawberry milk. A little weird.

And there you have it. July 14, 2005 for Christina Catherine Witt in a nutshell.


July 12 2005

I came dangerously close to crashing today on Memorial. I mean seriously, I was thisclose to getting into a huge wreck. I'm glad the guy in front of me was thinking more than I was, cause if he hadn't been I'd be carless and probably injured now. Yeesh. My heart rate still hasn't gone down.

In other news...there is no other news. My neighbor is about to have a baby. Like, any minute now. And I still haven't started my summer reading.

Well this has been grand but I'm off to do something. I don't know what, but I'm bored. So bye.



July 11 2005

I'll write you a song, and I hope that you won't mind,

because all the names and places I have taken from real life.

So please don't be upset at this portrait that I paint -

it may be a little biased, but at least I spelled your name right...


July 09 2005

Brittney Spears is pregnant with twins.

Imagine if they're identical girls...

They might rival the Olsen twins.


July 08 2005

I don't know why I feel I need to update when I have nothing to say. Honestly. All I do any more is babysit. I mean literally, that's all I do - I'm even going to be a live-in nanny for a while.

I did situps, pushups, and other exercisey things today. I deserve a cookie.

Or wait, no...that would cancel my exercise out. Oh well, I want one anyway.

School couldn't start soon enough...I miss it. A lot. Particularly a few individuals I haven't seen all summer. Plus it's hot outside.

Poor London...God be with them. They're in their moment of glory over the Olympics, and they're attacked. It's really sickening what people can do.

< Christina

Quote of yesterday:

July 07 2005

"Lloyd is not dead. And he isn't a turtle. He's alive, and he's a large, mutant bug."

Going to school today to work on the yearbook.......sigh.


July 06 2005


You can listen to the song my aunt wrote, it's the first link.

Now I'm going to go babysit some more.

While my sister is recording a book on tape?? Yes. I have a strange family.

Oh, and I found out I have connections at Pac Sun, and I could get a job there - but nah, I think I've lost all desire for employment. I already make about $50 a week babysitting.

I'm reading a really interesting book on Heaven - I never really had a grasp on the concept but it's amazing how much is really there in the Scriptures. But I don't have time to discuss it now, I need to go. Maybe later.


No Woman, No Cry...

July 05 2005

...has been stuck in my head for three days now.

"Are you insane??"

"Have I ever claimed otherwise??"

10 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 7 seconds until Harry Potter comes out. Meanwhile, I am doing everything in my power to avoid studying economics.

Mostly writing my story. It's about 34 pages long now.

Gee wiz.

I have a boring life.


My aunt is FAMOUS

July 04 2005
Well, not really. But...

I don't know if any of you know who Terri Clark, the country artist is, but she has a new single coming out on the radio in two weeks called (I think) "She Didn't Have Time"

Well, my aunt wrote it!

Terri Clark says she thinks it will be her "career song" and there's going to be a video on CMT and everything. She got a standing ovation in Reno after performing it.

If it's a hit my aunt will get $$$$.

Which she needs, badly.

So that's a prayer request. Plus this may help launch my aunt's solo career; she wants to be a country artist herself. Buy Terri Clark's album when it comes out this fall!

p.s happy fourth!

Oh boy

July 02 2005

I think I might take up a sport.

Walking, specifically.

Because I am very unhappy right now with my body and I think I'm going to do something about it. I already eat healthfully, so that's not the problem.

Exercise is the obvious solution.

If you know me, though, you know that I alsolutely loathe sweating and being very active, unless I'm playing soccer or something. I don't want to go to the gym because I usually am not in the mood to see someone I know while working out.

So I'm going to walk around Oakleigh. Two complete laps is a mile. Not much, but it's a start. I want to be a bit more in shape when school starts.

Wish me luck. I haven't exercised since November.

Dum du du dum BAH du dum BAH doo dum

June 29 2005

Well, my arms are thoroughly sore now. And my legs, too, for some reason.

You know what? If I don't get the job at Panera (and my chances at this point are about .0007%) I think I'm going to try and convince my mom not to make me work. I'm enjoying the summer as it is. I've made about $250 babysitting and doing other odd jobs. I really don't have much to pay for, besides gas and the occaisonal movie. I'm not looking to buy anything that would be a big investment.

I really just want to eat, read (summer books and Harry Potter), do economics, write my fan fiction, babysit, tutor, sleep, and prepare myself for next year.

When I shall have to be at school at 6:45 am for early day etymology (word origins, not bugs) and not leave until 3:10 pm. Yeah, that's right - 7 classes.



: )

June 27 2005
Belle Aire's VBS starts today!

This ought to be fun.


I watched "Fox and the Hound" for the first time today. Holy cow, that movie is way sad. I cried in the waiting room of my brother's orthodontist. They shouldn't show movies like that in public.

Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto

June 25 2005
I could totally write an entire musical using just the music of Styx. It would be called "Come Sail Away" and ooooh, Mrs. Gregory would just die.

It would win the Tony for sure.

And I would get millions of dollars and spend them all on rainbow sherbert and Fresca, which would be all I ate until I completed my next great project:

"Murfreesboro - The Musical"

It will bring fame to our unassuming niche in the heart of Tennessee.

Now all I need are ideas for song titles. Any suggestions?

The B I B L E, yes that's the book for me

June 24 2005
You know, I like the Scriptures a lot. I consider them not only to be God’s Word, but also great literature, full of stories of broken and sinful people not unlike myself. I think Christians today if they’re not careful can begin to view reading the Bible like taking vitamins— not fun, but necessary.

But the Bible is not some collection of pithy little proverbs mouthed by pious little church mice—it is an epic story, full of all the greed and sex and betrayal and war to befit mankind. It’s a love story, between God and Man, beginning with a romance, and then Man’s affair with sin and God’s pursuit of her, and ending with their wedding. It proves God can take a bunch of sinful weirdoes, from countless generations, and draw them together in a common bond of His love.

People say they go to the Bible to find answers, but the Bible does not cater to our simple-minded questions—it reveals to us God’s absolute, unsearchable Truth. I go to the Bible not to find nuggets of theology but to encounter God in the way that He has expressed Himself to us—and it’s a scary thing, but exhilarating. These are the Holy Scriptures, God's own Word. Paul says the Scriptures are God’s breath, and I kind of go, wow, let’s breathe this as deeply as possible.

Mission:Employment - part II

June 22 2005
I applied for Panera Bread today. Hopefully they'll appreciate my talents more than Target *scowls bitterly at memory of rejection*.

Nick Hawkins already got a job there, and Jesse Cannady is applying, too. If all three of us work there....it will be mucho funoodles.

SO that was my "get something accomplished" deed of the day. Although I got lost once going there and twice coming back. If I'm hired, I may actually have to learn how to navigate my way through town, something which I have managed to avoid so far.

Anyway that's it for me.

I love you guys.


Yesterday in my boredom and negativity I decided to make a list of thigs I like just to prove that I had no reason to be sulky. It's a bit lengthy but then I guess I didn't realize all the good things there are in life.

June 21 2005
Things I like:
1. Being alive
2. Coffee
3. Warm sweatshirts
4. Vanilla ice cream
5. Stars
6. Laughing uncontrollably
7. Nail polish
8. Cats
9. Feeling loved, by God and others
10. Tacos
11. Singing
12. Kind people
13. Babies
14. Chocolate
15. John Denver
16. Rice cakes
17. Swings
18. Signing my name
19. Beethoven
20. Love letters
21. Inside jokes
22. Cool technology
23. Green beans
24. Being warm and sleepy
25. Bonfires
26. Writing
27. Guys with dark brown eyes and hair
28. Being immature occasionally
29. The feeling after a good cry
30. Old friends
31. Cheese soup
32. Rich Mullins
33. Latin
34. Butterflies in your stomach
35. Cool breezes on warm days
36. Reading
37. Puppies
38. Worshipping God
39. Good-natured people
40. New friends
41. Billy Joel
42. Piano
43. Driving
44. Homemade fudge
45. Fresca
46. The early morning
47. Popcorn
48. Making people smile
49. Feeling like I’ve accomplished something
50. Reminiscing about the good old days
51. Warm socks
52. Flip flops
53. Bright sunshine
54. Random crushes
55. Laughing at yourself
56. Being Polish
57. The smell of pine needles
58. Silent understandings
59. Marshmallows
60. Whipped cream
61. Being on stage
62. Watching my favorite movie for the 100th time
63. Smores
64. Good news
65. Silence
66. Attempting art
67. Attempting poetry
68. Easy classes
69. Venice, Italy
70. Cheesecake
71. Common interests
72. Long, deep conversations
73. Innocence
74. Making a fool of myself for the sake of fun
75. Sad movies
76. Back massages & scratches
77. No homework
78. Feeling elated
79. Snow
80. Dimples
81. Sleeping
82. Cute old people
83. Rocking chairs
84. Brilliant flowers
85. Taffy
86. Diet Pepsi
87. Fancy dresses
88. The smell of baking bread
89. Coming home after a long absence
90. Stability and routine
91. Ireland
92. Easygoing teachers
93. Books and movies that make you think
94. Fireflies
95. Hugs
96. Lifetime friendships
97. Christmas
98. Birthday parties
99. Autumn
100. Fireworks
101. Watching the clouds
102. Pizza
103. Comments/remarks on xanga/phusebox
104. Hilarious conversations
105. Hot cocoa
106. Full moons
107. The color green
108. Intellectually stimulating activities
109. Being easily amused
110. McFadden
111. Pot roast
112. Small children
113. Dancing wildly in private
114. Handel’s “Messiah”
115. Driving around randomly
116. Girls’ nights out
117. Feeling happy for no reason
118. New York, New York
119. String quartets
120. When things go better than you hoped
121. Enormous earrings
122. Shaggy hair on guys
123. Not having tests
124. My bedroom
125. Being female
126. Laughing at stupid jokes
127. Candy
128. Writing for hours at a time just for fun
129. Taking walks with one other person
130. Helping other people
131. Biscuits and jelly
132. Madeleine Peyroux
133. Cute redheaded guys
134. Thunderstorms
135. Snuggling
136. Staying up until I’m delirious
137. Baking cookies
138. Big words
139. Earl Gray tea
140. The Lord of the Rings
141. Mint gum
142. Stilettos
143. My family
144. Taking walks alone
145. Sitting in the rain
146. When cats lick your ears
147. Belle Aire Baptist Church
148. Siegel High
149. Murfreesboro, TN, USA
150. The world