July 12 2005

I came dangerously close to crashing today on Memorial. I mean seriously, I was thisclose to getting into a huge wreck. I'm glad the guy in front of me was thinking more than I was, cause if he hadn't been I'd be carless and probably injured now. Yeesh. My heart rate still hasn't gone down.

In other news...there is no other news. My neighbor is about to have a baby. Like, any minute now. And I still haven't started my summer reading.

Well this has been grand but I'm off to do something. I don't know what, but I'm bored. So bye.



July 12 2005
Well I'm glad you're ok. Close calls like that really make you pay more attention in the future. I hate Memorial. Then again, I hate all the roads in M'Boro.

the brian king kenobi

July 12 2005
try and avoid dying.

Stephanie Levine

July 12 2005
don't die!....I haven't started my summer reading either.hehee.


July 13 2005
yes i can drive you around... in 2 weeks.