All about my busy, busy Sunday

June 20 2005

I had a salad
A Caesar salad, at that
It was quite tasty

(You know it's a bad sign when you can summarize an entire day in a haiku...)

Raoul vs. Phantom

June 19 2005
Christine: Say you love me...
Raoul: You know I do...

How come Raoul isn't for real?? He's pretty much the perfect man - sweet, chivalrous, strong, good looking, wealthy, an appreciator of the arts, and he adored Christine. He may have been a little wishy-washy...but to poor little gullible, helpless Christine he was someone safe and tender. Man, she was lucky to snag him. But then she goes running after the phantom, who must be twice her age and quite obviously has no social skills...what with killing people and all.

If I were Christine, I'd have stuck with the nice boy who loved me and didn't want me locked away in a dungeon forever, instead of the partially deformed psychiatric mess of an affection-starved genius who made wax models of me...even if he did inspire my voice.

I suppose (and this is inspired by KC's comment) that Christine liked the mystery and darkness surrounding the phantom..that there was something dangerous and edgy about him, and she was irresistably drawn to him...maybe she had been pursued by Nice Guys her whole life and wanted a Bad Boy for once.

Maybe I just don't see the phantom's appeal because I have always gone for the Nice Guy and never the Bad Boy. I still think Christine was crazy.

But then, love makes you do crazy things...especially when your love story is written by Webber...


June 18 2005
I like babies.

More specifically, I like babysitting.

The Woods. They have 4 kids, ages 1-8.

I'm at their house currently; I've been there since 5:40 this morning.

There is a major awwwwwwww factor when it comes to their one year old Elizabeth. Cuteness abounds.

Quote of the day:

"So are you married yet or not??" -Daniel Woods, after arguing with his brother about whether to call me Ms. or Mrs. Christina.


June 17 2005
I have succumbed (did I spell that right?) to the ever mounting pressure to jump on the bandwagon and get a Phusebox.

HOWEVER I will not be abandoning my poor xanga like so many other heartless souls.

I guess I'll do identical posts here and there.

Today I had Dairy Queen. Yum.

Tomorrow I babysit at 5:30 in the morning. Un-yum.


Ummm, so much for a dramatic entrance. I guess this is it.

