Mission:Employment - part II

June 22 2005
I applied for Panera Bread today. Hopefully they'll appreciate my talents more than Target *scowls bitterly at memory of rejection*.

Nick Hawkins already got a job there, and Jesse Cannady is applying, too. If all three of us work there....it will be mucho funoodles.

SO that was my "get something accomplished" deed of the day. Although I got lost once going there and twice coming back. If I'm hired, I may actually have to learn how to navigate my way through town, something which I have managed to avoid so far.

Anyway that's it for me.

I love you guys.


Sara Read

June 22 2005
if i didnt have band id apply there. but alas, no, it consumes all my time. *mumbles obscenities under breath*

Sara Read

June 22 2005
thats cuz hes green!


June 22 2005
*laughs* You misspelled appreciate both times... *grins* Good luck with the job search!


June 22 2005
we got the convertible... yay.

Jane Woodard

June 22 2005
aw, man! i applied at target are they not accepting?

Stephanie Levine

June 22 2005
where is panera bread? That would be awesome if y'all all worked together. It makes me want to apply but i can't.* It's too late for a job now*...You should come to the picnic tomorrow. It would be awesome to see my mary.

the brian king kenobi

June 22 2005
when did panera show up? i only noticed it recently . . .