July 08 2005

I don't know why I feel I need to update when I have nothing to say. Honestly. All I do any more is babysit. I mean literally, that's all I do - I'm even going to be a live-in nanny for a while.

I did situps, pushups, and other exercisey things today. I deserve a cookie.

Or wait, no...that would cancel my exercise out. Oh well, I want one anyway.

School couldn't start soon enough...I miss it. A lot. Particularly a few individuals I haven't seen all summer. Plus it's hot outside.

Poor London...God be with them. They're in their moment of glory over the Olympics, and they're attacked. It's really sickening what people can do.

< Christina

Stephanie Levine

July 08 2005
Hello hello. I saw you at the mall =). sorry if we made you late.


July 08 2005
Eat the cookie anyways... lol...

the brian king kenobi

July 08 2005
yay for cookies. who wants to be healthy, anyway?


July 09 2005
fyi...crunches are MUCH more effective than sit-ups. Friendly tip.