Operation Relive Childhood

July 16 2005

Well, I've finished it. It was good, but left me feeling a little...dissatisfied. And a little disapointed. To be fair, there were a lot of good moments, but the entire romance chunk of the book was utter blarmy.


Jesse and I conducted "Operation Relive Childhood" last night, going to watch CatCF (see what being a Harry Potter fan has done to my willingness to write out titles??) and I must say, the film was magnificant. Johnny Depp was perfect. My favorite characters, hands down, were Violet and her mother. The movie was hilarious, and about equal with the original in my book, though different.

THEN we proceeded to Starbucks (which incidently did not feature prominantly in my childhood, but whatever) to load up on caffeine before heading to Books-A-Million. To sum up, the store was in a state of organized chaos, sans the organization. But I got the book within two minutes of midnight, so I'm not complaining.

I was up til five reading it. Then I slept until ten and finished it this afternoon. Lauren's birthday party is tonight, so I will see many of you there.

Much love,
hypedupsleepdeprivedchildhoodrelived Christina

the brian king kenobi

July 16 2005
i really don't think that's a word. and can i borrow the book?