open forum part 1

December 03 2005
ask me any question you want to and i promise i will answer you in the next post.


December 03 2005
how much do you love me??? :-p


December 03 2005
yo Brian had fun at your no questions

Rebekah Minor

December 03 2005
would you pose naked for a million dollars? someone asked me that the other day...i was also asked if i would streak for a million dollars...

kelsey shearron

December 03 2005
sorry i didnt make it on sure it was more fun without me anyway..i have a question but ill ask you later.

Sara Shaban

December 03 2005
do you actually believe in love at first sight...honestly...


December 03 2005
why are you such a treacherous traitor? lol ;-p


December 03 2005
Did you miss me after I left your party?

Anna Miller

December 03 2005
will you marry me?

Beth Farrar

December 03 2005
how many times have u been in love? see you monday! *Beth

Sarah Bowers

December 03 2005
What's the most you'd ever be willing to spend at Starbucks in one hit? =)


December 03 2005
are all males stupid, or just the ones i'm attracted to?

ami driver

December 03 2005
it was good seeing you at michaels party tonight.. hope you had fun! umm-- no questions.. =)


December 03 2005
do you like pirates of the caribbean?

Jessica Sanders

December 03 2005
Hey bk, sorry about friday..but im sure a pimp like yourself had many a girls there to keep you company :-P question... What is the meaning of life?

Ben Moser

December 03 2005
will i ever be romantically happy?

Cara Hawkins

December 04 2005
Have you ever realized how many times we have made complete fools of ourselves i.e stars wars club, DI etc..? Also, what college will I end up at?

Nathan Moore

December 04 2005
is big bird male or female?


December 04 2005
um.. if you are madly in love with me then why was i not invited to your party?!?! hmmm!?! yea.. just go and break my heart mr. king. =(


December 04 2005
do you like cottage cheese and bolagna?


December 04 2005
Is there drama tonight?

Zach McCain

December 04 2005
Brian King, will you marry me? Oh, and, how much have you missed me this semester? Yeah, cheesy questions, aint it great? That one was retorical.


December 04 2005
r u as cool as people say u are? haha :) -sarah-


December 04 2005
Why do school buses smell like pepperoni?


December 04 2005
I withdraw my previous question to ask you a new question: Why do random people request friendship on Phusebox?

Emily W.

December 04 2005
If you had to marry 7 people, who would they be? and why?

Emily W.

December 04 2005
its open ended. answer however you'd like. its just the first random question that popped in my head.

Emily W.

December 04 2005
haha.. i do what i can.

Emily W.

December 04 2005
you got nothing on me.


December 04 2005
i have another question. but you don't have to answer it on here... just tell me sometime... when are we going to have drama?


December 04 2005
better question- what hair color do they out on bald men's drivers's liscenses?


December 04 2005
haha.. i like amy and dani's questions. quite funny. um.. i got one.. will you be my boyfriend? =)

Aaron Massey

December 04 2005
describe me in a word brian.. yes... my weirdness in a word!!!


December 05 2005
well, i look bad today silly. we cant very well take a picture when i look bad now can we? psh.. no


December 05 2005
How do you measure a year?

Bethany Bratcher

December 05 2005
Do you think people in heaven can see us?

Bethany Bratcher

December 07 2005
I have another, why is it that we sing "Rock A Bye Baby" to infants? What is it about children falling from trees that makes an infant sleep?! Oh, and if you could be anywhere in the world right now, with any one person, where would you be and who would the lucky person be?