Sad night for Hodg-E
February 09 2006
So this was a sad night for me, come on a journey with me so that I can share with you what happened
So I was making my why into the kitchen when it all started.
It was about 10pm and since my mom is pretty much the most freaken coolest mom EVER, she had sent me some snakes(aka snacks) this week. (This made me very happy since we can't really afford snakes(aka snacks) down here, I love my mama.) So knowing that I have snakes(snacks) just waiting on me I headed for our (mine and jeffs) own pantry.
And yes that said Missionaries Pantry (that's what they call us) its kinda funny!
Anyways, I opened up the "MISSIONARIES PANTRY" looking for…….MY "Chips Ahoy" Chewy cookies. You know the best kind of cookie ever, b/c there all chewy and soft :), yeah those…..and found
THEY WERE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was terrible, I was so confused.
And that's when it hit me…..they were really gone.
But thenI remembered that tonight was youth group night. and jeff and I just so happen to live in the church.( so the youth room is about 3 steps from our room and the kitchen. The youth also always eats after they are done with church for the night…) So I new if I probably looked around I would find some evidence……. and then a brake through….
But it was to late
So who did this? Why was this done? These are question that must be and will be answered soon. more to come in the next few days, But for now it is a sad night for Hodg-E