Jonathan Moore
Middle Tennessee Christian School
David Lipscomb University
February 08 2006
OLD thats what i am! OLD! I am no longer a teen. I have been growing up all my life, now i am just going to be growing old. My bones are not what they used to be. My vision is leaving me. I am finding I am making new noises when i sit down or stand up. I take IB Profin like its going out of style. All of these are signs of the times to come. Anyways all this oldness got me thinking about my life. With my new first digit comes new resolutions. I am setting out to turn back time and in doing this I am setting guidlines for my life. Here are a few. I am setting out to not become dependant on depends (at least for another 10 yrs) I am determined to never say my music is too loud. I am determined to stay hip with the hipity hip culture. I am determined to not become a square or a trinagle for that matter. And last but not least, I am determined to not to become dependant on Beano for gas releif. These are just a few of my resolutions. If you have any ideas or words of wisdom for an old man on his downhill slope please feel free to share.
February 08 2006
happy least you aren't turning a quarter-century like i will be later this year!
February 08 2006
"jonathon moore is one sexy beast" oh wait. did i say that out loud.
happy birthday man
February 08 2006
"jonathon moore is one sexy beast" oh wait. did i say that out loud.
happy birthday man
brandi gates
February 08 2006
20 years old thats not bad you got many years to go yet!! happy birthday jonathan":)
February 08 2006
Think of it this way: When you get to 30, you can just start counting backwards. You'll appreciate being 20 the 2nd time around much much more.
Happy Birthday
Carla Simpson
February 08 2006
i take offense at this whole getting old thing!! hehe just kidding! i love you jonathan - HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD MAN!!!!!!
Andrea Leigh
February 08 2006
Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear Jonathan..happy birthday to you!! Yaay! Have a great one! God bless.
Bethany Bratcher
February 08 2006
You are funny. And your music is already too loud....
Happy Birthday, Jonathan! I love you!
Garrett Haynes
February 08 2006
Happy b-day J-mo! Dont worry, your not old yet. u still got another 20 years before u can call urself that. but good resolutions to stick by.
Drew Mitchell
February 08 2006
It was great seeing you at Starbucks tonite. That was alot of fun. Urgh Urgh. Ya outta play the game sometime. Its called Athletes Balls and Walls . You can play the computer or you can play a friend.
Mark McComas
February 09 2006
I know the feeling. I remember sitting in my shop at 20 thinking "I'm really really old." Now I'm 53. I had no idea. Every system has begun shutdown. I rode a bike fortwo miles the other day and suffered for it for two days. There isn't a bike seat made that i am comfortable sitting on. I still have my hair, more or less, but the gray part won't work with the brown part. I know--tmi. Suffice it to say, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
February 10 2006
Hee hee well that was an interesting post! I am only 19 yet my body tells me im in my late 70's....not sure I can handle turning 20 if it will make things worse.
Well happy belated b-day!