first impressions

April 17 2006

so . . .

what's the first thing you remember/noticed about me?

Anna Miller

April 17 2006
you wore skinny pants that fit into your white tennis shoes. and i'm not kidding.

Sara Shaban

April 17 2006
Hmm...that's a big cup if coffee he's got there...


April 17 2006
I remember that I kept forgetting which one was Ben and which one was Brian. I know better now.

Sarah Vermillion

April 17 2006
A picture. [It just so happens to be your profile picture, actually.] Someone showed me that picture a long long time before I met you and said, "That's that Brian guy I was talking about." Months later when I actually met you, it took me a long time to realize that you and photo-you were the same Brian.

Megan Polis

April 17 2006
you had a baby by anna miller


April 17 2006
I thought you were a cool guy and I was impressed that you could bake. I don't think I've eaten anything you've baked since then either... I sense a problem here...

Hunter Barry

April 17 2006
I thought you were social security number 411-**-6395 and I was right!


April 17 2006
It was with my mom at some VBS thing ages ago. She asked me if you were Mexican. I told I her I didn't think so, but that I could be wrong.

Jonathan Moore

April 17 2006
I met you at the local petting zoo.

Beth Farrar

April 17 2006
hmmm. je ne sais pas! but probably the first thing that actually sticks is when we were working on our bonhomne du pain d'epiece book. and yeah i think i spelled that wrong but that's okay you'll get over it. lol.

Cara Hawkins

April 17 2006
It was so long ago but I remember you bribing me for some Star Wars toy...

kelsey shearron

April 17 2006
you were one of the mean ones that called me nancy.


April 17 2006
I seem to recall you were going to be the Confederacy when the south rose again.

Zach McCain

April 17 2006
It was a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. Well, far away from me at the moment anyway. It was at the old church. We were upstairs at some kind of little kid's event, and we were discussing star wars. I met you through Graham, and I seem to remember that you didn't like me very much. But all that has changed now, at least I hope.


April 17 2006
You looked like an awesome guy of whom i wanted to meet!!!

Ben Moser

April 18 2006
i posted a remark right after kels, but apparently phusebox didnt like me yesterday. I said if i remembered meeting you, I think I would be a genius. It was most likely when we were crawling around on the floor, pooping in diapers. lol.


April 18 2006
you sitting at the opposite end of the table yelling chico at me. stealing my sunglasses and driving off with me on the hood. what a memory.

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
I'm afraid drastic measures must be taken to cleanse us of the foolishness of the current most remarked post.

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
So I regret to announce that I must make remarks without any real purpose.

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
But don't worry, mine won't make your eyes bleed like the remarks which have propelled the most recent "most remarked" post to the top.

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
This puts it at 9 posts in the last 24 hours.

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
Versus the 19 posts that our current foe has drawn somehow.

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
I'm not sure I'm sinister enough to make another 8 posts about nothing

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
Did I ever mention my seething hatred of Latin IV?

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
Did I also mention that Burger King (aka Brian King) has the unique ability to betray whatever pact he makes- even when it hurts him?

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
Let's see I'll need another half dozen remarks in order to edge out the competition

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
I shall have to read off the list of heinous crimes that society can blame Chloe Robinson for-

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
High Crime #1- The invention of Scientology. Admittedly, this was a practical joke that Chloe started that grew way out of hand (she ssaid to herself one day "I wonder how much crazy stuff I can get people to do under the guise of religious practices")

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
High Crime #2- Chloe once sneezed on a rat in Medieval Europe. The result was the Black Plague.

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
High Crime #3- Chloe convinced Spartacus "a slave rebellion would be very sucessful in my humble opinion".

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
High Crime #4- Chloe is responsible for propogating the following "music" artists- Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Avril Lavigne, Eminem, D12, and the Black Eyed Peas. Music may never recover.

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
High Crime #5- Chloe knows exactly how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop and threatens to flay the soul of anyone- man or beast- that dares to try and uncover that secret.

Hunter Barry

April 18 2006
Huzzah! A most glorious victrory for literacy!

Kelly Sullivan

April 18 2006
"IT'S A <I><B><U>FRENCH</I></B></U> ACCENT!"

Robert Lewis

April 19 2006
my first impression: "Dang that's the most bowlish bowl cut i've ever seen!"

Eric Bean

April 20 2006
Wow, that random guy sure looks treacherous.

Cari Jennings

April 23 2006
you sang the cheeseburger song from that veggietales movie...and i thought that you were mexican.

Cari Jennings

April 23 2006
you sang the cheeseburger song from that veggietales movie...and i thought that you were mexican.