Mother's Day

May 14 2006

It's Mother's Day!! I love my Mom oh so much!

Isn't she beautiful. What would I do without her?


May 11 2006
Well, West Side Story is over. Now I don't know what to do with myself. The last night went very well and was a ton of fun. Chris got me a dozen roses!!!!!! That made me very happy. :) After the show we all went to IHOP for a late night breakfast and had a blast. It was pretty crazy, we were pretty crazy! That night was a bittersweet night. Lots of tears and laughter. Tomorrow will be my last day in Chamber Choir. Oh how I will miss it. :( But on to bigger and better things....I hope. It's all happening so fast. I'm about to be pushed out into the "real world". I don't know if I'm ready. I can't believe its all over. Well, I guess its not all over, but life as I know it now is. Well, I'm gonna go before I get all emotional. I love you guys!


May 07 2006

Only two more shows and it's all over for me. tear*tear*  I'm gonna miss it so much.


May 06 2006
The cast party last night was....different.


May 04 2006

"Tonight, tonight. It all began tonight..."

Tonight is the opening show of West Side Story! I am super excited and a tad bit nervous about the dancing parts. Wow, this is my last show. Tear* Tear* Well, I'm off to go get ready. Everybody come!!!

"We're gonna rock it tonight, tonight!"


May 03 2006

Wow, it's been a while.

Prom was magical!! I had so much fun. I didn't know I could dance so long without stopping. lol And my prom date was wonderful, of course. After prom was so cool, but I was so tired I was pretty much sleep walking. Prom was just a ton of fun.

Look at my crazy dance moves! lol

I love this picture!!

West Side Story opens tomorrow night at 7!!! Yeah!


April 27 2006

West Side Story is taking over my life!!!! But its gonna be a great show. Soon I will leave for a 3 to 4 hour practise.

And this is what I will be doing. Sort of. The dancing is fun, the lack of food and sleep is not.

Prom is in 2 days!!! I'm excited out of my mind!!            So, I havn't seen my friend Ben in forever. He is pretty cool and is very encouraging. I so glad I have great friends.


April 23 2006
I'm at Paul's house practising for Fine Arts. He's my best bud. I love it at Paul's house. It always has bunches of cool people there. 


April 21 2006
Just found out that I'm failing a class I need in order to graduate. Wish I could just quit.


April 20 2006

I just lost a bunch of stuff I just typed so now I have to start over.

Ok, I am very tired. Yesterday I fell asleep in 4 out of 6 classes. West Side Story rehersals are wearing me out, even though I don't do much. I have so much stuff to do. I really need sleep, but I'm not going to get much any time soon.

There is so much stuff coming up all at once. Fine Arts, prom, West Side Story, graduation, finding a job, college, and the list goes on. I am a tad bit stressed (slight underexaggeration). But not as stressed as I thought I would be at this time in my life. Lately I have stopped caring. I don't think about it all and then end up not caring and then end up not trying. Untill one day it hits me and I realize that all this crazy stuff is going on and I totally blow up and lose it. I am about to graduate and have not clue who I am or what I am doing.

And I am learning that people can totally change into different people and that they are not what you thought they were, even when you've known them and been their "best friend" for 4 or more years.

On a happier note, Chris got me some jellybeans the other night. I love jellybeans!

Easter time!

April 13 2006
   Easter is Sunday! I'm so excited!! I don't think I've ever been this excited about Easter before. Everytime I think about it I get all happy. Like when I think of how Jesus died for us on the cross its more of a sadder but thankful feeling kinda sorta. Cause He died because of my and everyone elses sins, but when I think of Him rising from the grave it makes my wanna shout! He is so great and wonderful and beautiful and forgiving and worthy of everything I have! I can't stop thinking about it and how truly wonderful He is. It's crazy. I'm gonna stop now cause I'm not good at writing how I feel, expecially (sp?) when I don't know how to describe it. lol I hope everybody has a great day and a fantastic Easter!!!


April 09 2006
Everytime something is going great I always do something or say something to totoally mess it all up. I try so hard and then lose everything. I must be pretty dumb to think that I can ever get this right and be happy.


April 08 2006

Wow.That storm last night was amazing. I love to watch storms, they are so powerfull and magical. I just wish they weren't so dangerous and destructive. But oh how I love the rain, thunder and lightning. It's all so beautiful. Like music almost. It's so breath taking. There's not really any good way for me to describe it.

Just Breath

April 06 2006

" 2am and I'm tryin to write down this song......(?)

....if I can get it all down on paper.

It's no longer inside of me

threating the life it belongs to.

And I feel like I'm naked in front of a crowd

Cause these words are my diary screaming out loud.

And I know that you'll use them however you want to."

I love this song. I miss quoted it though, I can't remember exactly how it goes. I'll figure it out and then post all of it later.


April 04 2006
   : (


April 01 2006

Should I go blonde? I'm thinking some blonde high lights. Then my hair would be 3 different shades. No one really tells me if I should or not- except for my dad.

Anyways, Chris and I picked out a tux today. I really hope it matches my dress. I'm sure it will all be good. Hmmm, I have a head ache.

Me and my mom cut all the monkey grass today. Now I have nothing to do. Spring break is almost over. :( I was enjoying my time off. Oh well, not too much longer till graduation. w00t w00t!!

A poem I wrote a few nights ago.

March 27 2006

Why do I still hurt inside?

These feelings should be gone by now.

Why do I still love to hear him speak?

He should be just another voice by now.

Why is it when I close my eyes he is still there?

He should just be a distant memory by now.

Why do I still cry for him?

My tears should be done by now.

And why do I still write about him???

I should be sleeping by now.


March 27 2006

First day of spring break! Today me and Paul picked out a song for Fine Arts, went to Pizza Hut, and then went to Wal Mart. Later me and Jackie went to the Green Way. We walked 4 miles and climed on all the rocks. We were jumping across the river on rocks and on the way back I slipped and fell. If it wasn't for Brady holding me I would have been a gonner! What adventures will tomorrow bring??


March 23 2006
I have a ton of term paper stuff due tomorrow moring, I have no cule how I'm gonna get it all done. Pretty sure I'm gonna fail this mess. I'm so stressed! : (


March 20 2006

I love New York! It is so magical. China Town, Time Square, the Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty, Broadway shows, pigons, Central Park, hot dogs from street venders, 5th Avenue, taxi cabs, traffic jams and tall buildings everywhere, I love it all! I'm for sure going back the next chance that I get. I had such a good time and made so many memories with my friends. It was a weekend I will never forget.