Rebekah Lewis
?i don't know?
life in general... it's pretty cool...
Favorite Music
Skillet, Flyleaf, Superchic[k], Relient K
Favorite Movies
Hope Floats, Music of the Heart, Pirates of the Caribbean 1, Little Secrets, She's the Man, Pirates of Caribbean 2, Holes, Pirates of the Caribbean 3
Favorite Books
The Giver, The Series of Unfortunate Events
December 26 2006
That's what I feel like doing right now... I'm soooooooooo tired... Josh, Liz, and Daniel are over right now and that's nice because I haven't had a brother home for Christmas in like 6 years. I think I'll go take a nap soon. I'm going home with Emily O'Berry tomorrow after the youth group goes to the movies so I'll probably want to sleep some today and if I don't sleep well tonight I'll want to take another nap tomorrow... I wish I were a cat... That way I could be lazy and sleep all the time... That would be the life...
Bob Saget and Bob Corker
November 02 2006
At my school, we make jokes about Bob Saget. While we eat lunch we talk about Bob Saget. Almost everyone at my school talks about Bob Saget. A couple of my friends find it hilarious that another one of my friends randomly yells out BOB SAGET! at lunch. One of those friends actually hypervenelates sometimes. Now the friend that yelled Bob Saget has started to say randomly, I'm Bob Corker and I approved this message. I'm about to fall out of my chair laughing because I just heard that exact line on the TV... It was funny. Well, I just wanted to say that. I have to go because Chris Jensen is making lasagna right now like he does randomly about every month. Bye!
The Lemley Family
September 19 2006
Okay... For those of you that didn't know there is a new family of four coming to the church and their dad is going to be the new misic minister and I'm glad because I like his music... Plus he has 2 kids... One of them is named Ashlea. She is 11 and in the sixth grade. The ohter kid Is named Benjamin or Ben. He's 15 and in the ninth grade... And, Ashlea, if your wondering how I know all this, my mom is the church secretary. She knows EVERYTHING! Anyway, they all sing (the whole family), their dad can play the piano, and their son can play guitar really well. The only reason I know is this is because they played on Sunday. Well I have to go but I was just letting you know... if you don't go to my church then this doesn't apply to you... BYE!!!
Jack Sparrows
July 17 2006
The following picture is one of my favorite actors in the whole entire world!!!

Hehe... That's great...

Hehe... That's great...
wow... I really am bored...
July 15 2006
1. I need a good picture program on my compurter... I don't think my computer will hold the Gimp...
2. I think more people from my school should get a Phusebox...
3. I'm seeing how many random things I can come up with...
4. My kitty's cute...
5. I'm hungary...
6. I'm bored...
7. umm...
8. I think that's it...
9. I have to go now...
10. see most of you later...
11. ~!~Beka~!~
12. : )
13. ( :
14. : (
15. ) :
2. I think more people from my school should get a Phusebox...
3. I'm seeing how many random things I can come up with...
4. My kitty's cute...
5. I'm hungary...
6. I'm bored...
7. umm...
8. I think that's it...
9. I have to go now...
10. see most of you later...
11. ~!~Beka~!~
12. : )
13. ( :
14. : (
15. ) :
July 15 2006
Yesterday I went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2 with my daddy... It was awesome... I had a lot of fun...
July 08 2006
Life is crazy...
I don't know why I said that... It was kinda random...
But anywho...
The cookout last night was fun... It was like this...

Yep... That explains it all... And for those of you that are helping with VBS and weren't there today It was cool too... We put up all the rockets and shutting stars and planets and then we went to the... surrounding... neighborhoods and handed out fliers... There was this really creepy guy that me and Kelsey Bittner had to go to that didn't have any kids but lived next door to some kids but when we asked him if he knew where any kids lived he told us no... how dumb is that when he LIVED next to some!!!
Well anyways, other than that life is pretty boring right now considering the fact that all I do all day is still sit around and watch TV...
Well bye for now,
Random again... I know...
I don't know why I said that... It was kinda random...
But anywho...
The cookout last night was fun... It was like this...

Yep... That explains it all... And for those of you that are helping with VBS and weren't there today It was cool too... We put up all the rockets and shutting stars and planets and then we went to the... surrounding... neighborhoods and handed out fliers... There was this really creepy guy that me and Kelsey Bittner had to go to that didn't have any kids but lived next door to some kids but when we asked him if he knew where any kids lived he told us no... how dumb is that when he LIVED next to some!!!
Well anyways, other than that life is pretty boring right now considering the fact that all I do all day is still sit around and watch TV...
Well bye for now,
Random again... I know...
July 07 2006
Okay, tonight is the cookout and I still haven't gotten dressed or brushed my teeth (which is really gross so I'm gonna brush them in just a sec.) or any of that stuff... so yeah... Stephanie McGee just called and asked for directions...that was random... I gotta go now... BYE!!!
July 04 2006
Happy fourth to everyone... Right now I can't watch tv cause Paul's asleep in there so I'm in his bedroom on his laptop... I think I'll play Super Smash Bros. now... see most of you tonight...bye...
June 26 2006
Okay... This summer I don't have anything to do... I am completely bored... All I do all day is watch TV and when there's nothing on I watch movies... I've probably seen High School Musical 10 times now... That's sad although I do watch movies over and over again when we rent them because I want to remember them because we hardly ever buy them... If you have any ideas of what I can do this summer tell me cause I'm so bored I think my brains might fall out... Which sounds kinda painful so I think I'll stick with I'm REALLY bored...
Marybeth this is for you...
June 18 2006

This girl is a really neat person... she went to New York with me and my parents this last week and it was amazing... We didn't fight at all... which is very unnormal... and we went to Dollywood... and saw Rip Van Winkle (not the real one but the wooden one in the middle of Catskill, New York (that's where my grand parents live))...
lots of stuff...
June 05 2006
Okay people... My birthday was Saturday and as some of you know I am now a teenager... I'm really happy because I got an ipod (Josh, Chris, Paul, Liz, and Daniel), a bath stuff bag (Stacy), Cheaper By The Dozen 2 (Marybeth), the 8th season of Little House on the Prairie (Momma and Daddy), a swimsuit (not really for my birthday but Liz helped me find it), a memory card for my camera (Momma and Daddy), make up (2 different people(Momma and Liz)), a lot of money (various people), and other stuff that I can't remember off the top of my head... but that's okay because they know what they gat me and they can tell me to fix it...
More news... I'm going to camp this week and Friday my parents are picking me and Marybeth up from camp and we're going to New York... So I won't be on for about 2 weeks and neither will Marybeth...
More news... I'm going to camp this week and Friday my parents are picking me and Marybeth up from camp and we're going to New York... So I won't be on for about 2 weeks and neither will Marybeth...
June 01 2006
Cats are cute look at the pictures I have with cats in them...

Yep... That's all of them... a total of... wait... 12 out of... wait... 146... I'm proud... and sick... not fun... g2g... bye... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... yeah that's getting boring... so... bye...

Yep... That's all of them... a total of... wait... 12 out of... wait... 146... I'm proud... and sick... not fun... g2g... bye... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... yeah that's getting boring... so... bye...
May 31 2006
This is a funny joke...
The bishop spoke to the congregation about the priest and nun shortage.
"Too many of you are only having one child and letting them go off into other professions. I propose that each family have 3 children: one for the father, one for the mother, and one for the church.
A few weeks later, the bishop was out grocery shopping when he saw a prengant woman in his parish. But before he could say hello, she shouted above the crowd, "This one's yours, Bishop!"

That makes me laugh...
Oh, and Emily... I LOVE OMIMONIPIA!!! What's that again?...
For everyone but Emily, Krista, Mrs.Beth, and momma... don't ask... it's an inside joke...
The bishop spoke to the congregation about the priest and nun shortage.
"Too many of you are only having one child and letting them go off into other professions. I propose that each family have 3 children: one for the father, one for the mother, and one for the church.
A few weeks later, the bishop was out grocery shopping when he saw a prengant woman in his parish. But before he could say hello, she shouted above the crowd, "This one's yours, Bishop!"

That makes me laugh...
Oh, and Emily... I LOVE OMIMONIPIA!!! What's that again?...
For everyone but Emily, Krista, Mrs.Beth, and momma... don't ask... it's an inside joke...
May 30 2006
I'm so happy!!! My birthday is on Saturday!!! I'll be a teenager!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Freaky!!!
May 28 2006
did you know that mountain dew has more caffine than Dr. Perpper or Pepsi? well it does... so That's why i'm really hyper right now... i'm trying not to hit the wrong keys... cause i'm hyper...
May 26 2006
SCHOOLS OUT!!! FINALLY!!! NOW I'M AN 8TH GRADER!!! WOOT WOOT!!! hehe i'm happy...

May 23 2006
I just got done riding my very old, very rusty bike... OH!!! by the way paul that's what i want for my birthday... just kidding... I still can't think of any thing!!! help me out people and tell me what I should have paul get me for my birthday!!!