
May 11 2006
Well, West Side Story is over. Now I don't know what to do with myself. The last night went very well and was a ton of fun. Chris got me a dozen roses!!!!!! That made me very happy. :) After the show we all went to IHOP for a late night breakfast and had a blast. It was pretty crazy, we were pretty crazy! That night was a bittersweet night. Lots of tears and laughter. Tomorrow will be my last day in Chamber Choir. Oh how I will miss it. :( But on to bigger and better things....I hope. It's all happening so fast. I'm about to be pushed out into the "real world". I don't know if I'm ready. I can't believe its all over. Well, I guess its not all over, but life as I know it now is. Well, I'm gonna go before I get all emotional. I love you guys!

Beth Farrar

May 11 2006
that was so cute of chris!