
April 20 2006

I just lost a bunch of stuff I just typed so now I have to start over.

Ok, I am very tired. Yesterday I fell asleep in 4 out of 6 classes. West Side Story rehersals are wearing me out, even though I don't do much. I have so much stuff to do. I really need sleep, but I'm not going to get much any time soon.

There is so much stuff coming up all at once. Fine Arts, prom, West Side Story, graduation, finding a job, college, and the list goes on. I am a tad bit stressed (slight underexaggeration). But not as stressed as I thought I would be at this time in my life. Lately I have stopped caring. I don't think about it all and then end up not caring and then end up not trying. Untill one day it hits me and I realize that all this crazy stuff is going on and I totally blow up and lose it. I am about to graduate and have not clue who I am or what I am doing.

And I am learning that people can totally change into different people and that they are not what you thought they were, even when you've known them and been their "best friend" for 4 or more years.

On a happier note, Chris got me some jellybeans the other night. I love jellybeans!

Beth Farrar

April 20 2006
just take a deep breath and it will all be okay. it's almost over!

Linda Turner

April 20 2006
Oh, but no. It is just begining.


April 20 2006
i hate jelly beans....gross. aww i'll be praying for you linda!

Rebecca Jensen

April 20 2006
Jelly beans? Did he just guess that?

Randy Lewis

April 20 2006
Jelly beans are great. Way to go Chris. Best friends, huh? I think that if someone is "best friends", that shoud mean that they are and always will be there for you, through the good times and the bad times, without any hidden agenda of their own. For alot of people, that's too much to ask. Selfishness seems to be much more common in people these days.

Linda Turner

April 20 2006
No, I told Chris that I was craving

Jeana Lewis

April 20 2006
One day at a time. One task at a time. One foot in front of the other. Pretty soon you'll look around and find most of this stuff behind you. You don't have to know what you're doing or who you are yet. I haven't figured it out yet either! Love ya!