
August 13 2006
Paul says that my hair is uber short. It is above my shoulders. Paul also says it is way too short. I'll post a picture of it soon.

Paul is leaving on Friday. : (


August 11 2006

Wow, its been awhile. Our internet at home is not working. Tear*Tear

Anyways, I chopped off all of my hair and I'm pretty sure that by tomorrrow at around 7:32 pm I will start to miss Christopher.

Most of my close friends are leaving for college in a couple of weeks and Chris will still be gone. I will be all alone. I don't want them to go away! *pout face*



July 28 2006
Well, I am sitting in Paul's room on the computer while Chris plays Super Smash Brothers. Later we are going to see a car show. What fun *sarcasim* Actually, I think it will be kinda cool.
I went to the eye doctor today. I still don't need glasses. That makes me happy. Chad is getting contacts now.
Wow, Chris Morgan is up here now. There is too much guy-ness up here.
Hmmm, I am in a wierd mood today. I can't quite figure it out.I just want to sit some where and not do or say anything. But I don't want to be alone.
I'm not happy but not unhappy. I'm gonna go sit by my boyfriend now. Even though I will probably get in the way of his game. Oh well.


July 26 2006

I'm so Tired!!!!


July 21 2006
I dyed my hair. It's a bleach blonde color. I hate it.


July 18 2006

The guy in the blue shirt is totally amazing.


July 08 2006


July 03 2006
I had a super fantastic weekend! Actually it was Sunday and Monday. Chris and I went to Havan's lake house along with some of his friends and spent a couple of days hanging out at the lake. I had so much fun but now I am totally wiped out. I had to work late Saturday night and get up early on Sunday. And I am off to work again tomorrow till 8pm. So, I will be out at around 9 or 9:30, just in time for some fire works. Wow am I tired. And wow am I sunburned!


June 25 2006
I have a job!!!! I start working at Shoe Carnival tomorrow at 10am sharp!! I am so happy and excited. : )


June 22 2006
My picture of me and Jackie didn't work. :(


June 19 2006

Me and Jackie went to Chris's last night and watched the new Pink Panther movie, along with some other cool people.

This is us hanging out before the movie started.


June 18 2006


             He is such a mystery to me.


June 11 2006
I will be 19 tomorrow.


June 07 2006

Well, I have applied at 14 places in the past 2 days. I had better get a job soon. I'm going to do some more job hunting tomorrow as well.

I love dark chocolate. Almost as much as I love brownies.

Chris is amazing.


June 03 2006
I had a crazy and fun day yesterday. My friends Jackie and Amanda called me and wanted me to ride around with them so I had to quickly put some clothes on and run out the door. First we went to Kohls and looked around, me and Jackie are applying for a job there, Amanda bought some shoes and then we went to the China Buffet for some fantastic Asian food. There were some creepy guys there that kept looking at us and laughing. Jackie said she saw one of them holding up his camera phone and pointing it at us. They didn't leave untill we got up and left. Creepy. After that we were gonna post-it note someone's car or somthing when I decided that it would be cool to decorate Chris's room and clean it for him. So, we went to the Dollar Store and got trash bags, a blue trash can with flowers on it, candles, a picture frame, pink and purple bows, and flowers, to use in his room. Oh yeah, we got ballons too. His room is all pretty now! We had a whole lot of fun. And Rebecca was there too so she helped. After that we went and saw The Break Up. It was good but sad. I hated the ending. Chris went with us, he really liked his room. Then we just hung out. When I got home I went to sleep. And that was my crazy and fun day yesterday.


May 31 2006
I had my interview this morning. It went ok, they said the only thing that they were worried about was that I was so quiet. They are suppost to call me or something in a few weeks. I wonder if I will get the job or not. I probably get to go to the lake on Sunday with Chirs and Haven and whoever else is going, so that should be a ton of fun. ~12 days till my birthday!!!~

New Job?

May 25 2006
I have an interview for the AEDC Credit Union on Wednesday at 10:45 am. I am nervous and excited. I'm not sure what kind of teller I will make. If I get the job I will have to be in training for a while, of coarse. It seems like it would be such a boring job. I would rather work some where with a more creative atmosphere. A bank teller just doesn't seem like me, or does it? At least it is a job. I might not even get it. Well, tonight I am off to a movie night. : ) That makes me happy.


May 18 2006
It is so pretty outside. I should be out there. Today my mom's parents are here and my dad's mom is here. My mom's sister will be here tomorrow. We'll have a house full of people! Things are getting pretty crazy around here- but not in a bad way. I graduate in two days. I'm liking the feeling. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do next fall. To go to college or not go to college. That is the question. I dont know what I'm going to do. But I do know that my friends are awesome. Thats all for today.


May 15 2006

No more school for me!!!!!

And look at this crazy kid!