
May 31 2006
I had my interview this morning. It went ok, they said the only thing that they were worried about was that I was so quiet. They are suppost to call me or something in a few weeks. I wonder if I will get the job or not. I probably get to go to the lake on Sunday with Chirs and Haven and whoever else is going, so that should be a ton of fun. ~12 days till my birthday!!!~

Beth Farrar

May 31 2006
happy early birthday!


June 01 2006
It sounded like your interview went good. I don't think you will be too bored. There is alot more to being a bank teller than people realize. There will always be people your age there. You can talk and laugh and make really good friends. It's a clean place to work, you're home by 6:30 and the money is good for someone who has just finished high school. they will work around your college schedule. It looks good on your resume too. -encouraging words from mom P.S. Yikes! another birthday?