Hmm. . .

November 28 2005

- I finally got an A on an English paper. I argued why The Cosby Show hasn't "jumped the shark". Our next topic is over the internet. We have to choose a website we frequently visit, discuss why it's appealing and what makes it a "community". I've already written the draft ((I chose to write about phusebox)) and received a 41/50 on it. While I know it could have been better, I was pleased because Tormey wasn't terribly clear on what he wanted.

- I'm getting a new phone next month. Hallelujah! I've had my current one for nearly two years, and it's getting mighty dinged up.

- I've been pricing camcorders. . . *falls over*. I'm not going to be able to find what I need/want for under $450. With Mom paying my half of the car payment for Christmas and me working extra during Christmas break, I MIGHT be able to pull it off. I mentioned something to my parents about them helping me with it for Christmas as well, but it really hasn't been discussed.

- Speaking of Christmas, our tree is now up. We've never had it up this early, but Jeff and Jennifer wanted to put it up. There are no presents underneath, but hopefully that'll change, lol. I'm finally able to buy my family decent presents this year.

- I need to put more pictures up in my room. It always seems like my room is needing SOMETHING done to it. I also need to dust and organize all the random stuff that houses itself on my dressers.

- Big tests are coming up. Tomorrow, I have a biology exam and the lab final. Thursday, there's a college algebra test. Next Monday, I have to turn in a project and take an exam over chapters eight, nine, and PowerPoint in Computer Science Orientation. I also have an English paper due Monday. Then next Wednesday, I'll take my last exam in Understanding Mass Media. Then the week after that, finals begin! Agh!


November 26 2005

I had the customer from hell today. I'm not going to go into it, but he was a complete and total jerk, and it was everything I could to not to get smart and cuss him out. Idiot. Guys, seriously, CHECK THE PRICES anytime you're gonna purchase something, and don't get all pissed off when something is higher than you expected just because you either A) Assumed it would be the same price as other places, B) Don't look at the price, or C) Don't ask. Idiot. I have so much more respect and patience for other cashiers now. Gah. People can be SO FREAKING UNAPPRECIATIVE!


November 24 2005

Alrighty, I got my schedule worked out, so now I'll have English and Theatre Appreciation MWF, and I'll be finished at 10:05. On TR, I'll have History, Psychology, and Intro to Electronic Media Communicationsl. Yeah, TR will be a long day. I'm hoping to get a 10:20 History class on MWF so I can come in at 1:00.

Check it out:

The weird thing about this picture is that the sky wasn't even this color. When it previewed right after I took it, it looked like this in the window. Who knows; I swear, this camera has a mind of its own. Strong too-- it's survied being dropped in the toilet and dropped on a concrete driveway. I think I'll name it Ol' Trusty, lol.

My Thanksgiving was very nice. My parents and I went to my Aunt Darlene and Uncle Stanley's house along with my brother, sister-in-law, two older cousins, their wives, youngest cousin, and grandmother. We road 4-wheelers, the guys ((and my cousin's wife)) shot skeets, the ladies played Mad Gab and Spoons, and we ate. . . and goodnight, it was a feastly meal. Mmm, I'm so stuffed. I love this holiday-- it's completely centered around food, lol.  We also watched Christmas with the Kranks. . . good movie.

. . . Wow

November 22 2005

Tonight was, without a doubt, wonderfully unplanned, but totally amazing. Page and I grabbed a couple of milkshakes from Baskin Robbins and just sat down to talk because we haven't seen each other in awhile, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Because they closed at ten, he and I sat in his xTerra and talked and listened to music a little more. I shared some of my struggles, past and present and he did too. It was just a lot of fun.

Now, the even more amazing part was the drive home. . . oh, what an awesome drive it was.

I was talking aloud to God about certain things going on, then suddenly feeling compelled to start using adjectives to describe how wonderful He really is. As I got to the end of Compton, I asked for a shooting star and would glance at the sky to see if any went by. As I continued driving on 96 towards home, the road curved down a slight dip, and as I rounded it, the moon appeared through the trees. Guys, this wasn't just an ordinary moon-- it was so splendorous. . . it was only half, but it was so beautiful. It looked as though it had just risen from out of nowhere because it seemed so nearby. Ahhh, it was beautiful. Once I hit a straightaway, it was almost directly in front of me. The thought "Man, it'd be great if I See Love came on the radio" crossed my mind for a second. . . that's my favorite song, and I like, never hear it completely, especially when I'm driving. So I keep on driving, almost at my house, when the commercials for WAY-FM ended and what song comes on? GOOD LANDS, it was I See Love!!!! That did it. I started crying. It was like God was just sitting right there saying "YES! I'm HERE and I love you! This is for YOU ANNA! I GAVE YOU THE MOON AND YOUR SONG!!! Ah, it was amazing.

Most remarked

November 22 2005

photo from BeautyFromPain

Yeah, so that's pretty cool.

Yes, this is really me. . .

November 21 2005

Yeah. . . mom's nuts

These are a few of my favorite things ((with pics!!!))

November 20 2005

--God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Look at His beauty:

My FAMILY!!! Even though my brudda can drive me nuts!


My moccassins and hat!!!

Taking pictures!


Mmm, yes.

MMMMhmmm. . .

November 19 2005

How is it that these really amazing and totally awesome guys like me, yet I don't have the mutual feeling?

SERIOUSLY, what's the deal? It can't be a fear of committment; there have been guys in the past I would have loved to have been in realtionships with, but it became obvious later that God didn't have that in mind.

Do I lack interest for a Reason that will be unveiled when I do in fact meet my love?

I'm starting to think God is actually doing something that I think He's doing. I'm not sure though. Who knows.

((edit-- few minutes later))

Have you ever had a friend or family member that really wanted something for a long time, and you had it for them? You knew exactly how happy it would make them when you presented it to them, and you knew that would treasure it forever? I think God is doing that with me. He has my husband; He's probably looking at him right now. And for all I know, my husband could be sitting around, frustrated because he hasn't found me. Have you ever thought about that girls? We long for our husbands, but there is a man out there that does long to be with US. He just doesn't know it yet!

Okay. That was weird. I think God put that on my heart. Thanks God.

((end edit))

ANYWAY. I went to Starbucks with Brian and Aimee today; Cameron met us about half an hour later. After staying there awhile, we decided we were hungry ((at 2:30, lol)), and I drove us to Camino Real. After that, I drove everybody back to where our cars were and dropped Cameron and Brian off. Aimee and I went to Marti and Liz Shoes, and I got me some really cute dress shoes. Theeeen we went to the mall and looked around; her mommy showed up, I left, then went to Shoe Carnival and Old Navy. Now I'm home. How exciting.

So obvious that it's not. . . .

November 18 2005

So Windows Media Player hasn't been working for me for over a month now. I thought something was terribly wrong with WNP. The real issue?

It was on mute.

No, I don't feel dumb.

Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say. . .

November 17 2005

take my breath away.

You know you want to, lol. Just kidding.

I think I miss Spanish more than I realize. I keep talking to myself in the language. This is the first time in four years that I'm not in a Spanish class, so it's definitely an adjustment. I just hope I'm able to retain a lot of it when I begin my minor studies. Speaking of not being in classes for the first time in four years. . . I miss drama a lot, too. You know though. . . I really don't have the desire to perform with just anybody; I really want to be on stage with everybody from the past two years. What memories.

Um. Work. Work is going well, though it utterly sucks to have to work on cars in 30 degree weather. Oh, and the guy I mentioned a few entries ago about leaving isn't. There was a slight misunderstanding going on.

I'm supposed to register next week, and I can't get in touch with my advisor. From what I understand though, as long as there are no holds, then you're clear to register. I hope so.

And how about that Thanksgiving break next week? Oh yes, won't it be dandy. I think we're going to my aunts right down the road at lunch and then Smyrna later on in the evening.

I got my check today, and Mom gave me a little money to get me some groceries for my lunch since almost everything at school is horribly overpriced. Yay for hot pockets, stoffers, pringles, and trail mix. Mmm.

Yeah, and pretty sure this entry had no point. I just felt like blabbing.

A Different Subject. . .

November 14 2005
It's not that I dislike RFC; I have enjoyed myself whenever I've been to the devos, and I had fun on the retreat. The people are really nice. . . so why do I feel so out of place when I'm there? Maybe it's not a good reason, but I think I'd be adapting much more quickly if I had a friend there with me. Savannah and I were talking about it the other day, and she said it was annoying to go to a place to worship and get to know other people, then all of a sudden have guys hit on you. It's true. I love my guy friends. I love meeting new guys. But it's uncomfortable for me to have guys I hardly know suddenly ask for my number and constantly hang around me. I don't know. It's hard. It took me awhile to adapt to the youth group, so I'm hoping that I'll soon get over whatever it is and just enjoy myself at RFC.

Lol, what weekend?

November 13 2005

On Friday, I worked 1-6, grabbed dinner from Blue Coast, and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Mom ((who feel asleep)), Jeff, and Jennifer, then went to bed at 9:40. Saturday, I worked from 8-7:30. Yeah, you heard me. Taevan is doing a car clinic today, and he wanted the place spotless. Working over wasn't all that bad, especially since we got paid for it, and one of the guys had music other than stuff on 105.9 playing.  Today, I woke up to the sound of rain, then had the glorious realization that I'm off of school AND work. Hallelujah, what a feeling. I went to church, ate lunch at Chef Wangs with Aunt Darlene, Nathan, and his friend Stephen, and now I'm here.

And what am I going to do on my day off?


Aren't you all jealous.


November 10 2005

So I just found out that my favorite person at work isn't going to be working there much longer.

I could cry. Seriously.


November 08 2005

All that is sweet and delightful in this world, in the serenity of the air, the fineness of seasons, the joy of light, the beauty of colors, is nothing else but Heaven breaking through the veil of this world, manifesting itself in such a degree and darting forth in such variety so much of it's own nature. -William Law

I took this standing on my front porch.

Baby boy you've been on my mind. . .

November 07 2005

. . . uh, what? I didn't say anything.

So I workd out for the first time in my life today with Amy P. I totally didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I somehow managed to bike three miles, lol. We also lifted weights, ran around the track, did ball crunches, and played raquetball. . . oh yes, it was quite exciting. Lol, I got Graham to drive me back to my car when I was halfway there. . . yeah, I'm a bum, haha.

OOOOOOOH, look at that muscle!

. . . uh, or lack thereof.

Ooh, we're so strong.


And this is the wonderful present Garrett made for me at lunch:

"I think the church needs to go on a diet plan."

November 06 2005

Quote of the day from Karen, lol.

So today, it's church, right? And I've spent the past two days shopping, and I purchased some dress clothes, right? So of course I'm going to want to wear them today, right?

So somebody PLEASE tell me how I didn't catch this until 8:45 tonight:

Yeah, I wore it all day, and I ((or anybody else)) didn't notice it. . . unless others did and just laughed at me. *narrows eyes*

November 05 2005

Forgive me, but I believe Cupid's been sent on an early release, and I was his first victim.

Hey, you naked baby with wings, get a better aim. I honestly believe you have me mixed up with someone else.

Make sense?

Does it ever?

scratch that

November 03 2005

Eh, that was more of a "I just need to get this out of my brain" post. i may write something a little more put together later. who knows.

Spring 2006 schedules are in the making right now. I know what classes I want to take. . . the problem is going to be getting the times that'll fit best with my schedule. I really want to try to take aerobic dance, lol. Oh my, can you imagine?

Ayer era el dia de los muertos. No se porque estoy escribieno en el espanol. Quiero tomar mas clases en el espanol, pero no puedo porque no tengo el tiempo.

Doing what He does best

November 02 2005

Have you ever had one of those moments when something really random happens, and you're just like, "Okay, God, WHAT the heck?!"

And you say that only because there is no other way it could have happened?

Yeah, it's kind of like that.

Praise the Lord, I saw the Light. . .

November 01 2005

Guys. . . wow. God has been showing me so many things about my life and I'm suddenly seeing that He really was listening to me as I ((literally and figuratively)) cried out to Him out of sorrow and pain last year. He's been teaching me so many things. . . patience ((huge biggie)), trust, faith, and most importantly, love. He's shown me through children I've been around that He will NEVER hurt us, and when we cry to him when we're troubled, He will pick us up and calm us. Guys, it really freaks me out to think about what would have become of me had I done some of the things that crossed my mind when I was suffering. I'm not perfect, and I will never be. I make mistakes, and I always will. I've learned that being a prideful Christian is a good way to get your butt kicked all the way to the ground. God doesn't want proud Christians, he wantes us to be HUMBLE. Barlow Girl sings a song containing the line "I've learned that pride comes before the fall." How true is that. I've been listening to the song "Undignified" by The David Crowder Band, and I don't know about y'all, but I want to be undignified for Jesus. I want to go crazy in His name, and have people look at me as though I've lost my mind. . . because it's not mine. It's His. This is weird. I haven't felt like this in a long time. But I like it.

. . . and if I have a faith than can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 1Corinthians 13:2b

Now that my pictures are loaded. . . .

October 30 2005

So, this weekend was pretty cool. After work Friday, I went to my cousin's 13th birthday celebration. . .

Then I had to work from 8:00-5:30 Saturday. Agh. But I did have a nice feast from Wendy's: a double stack with cheese, chicken nuggets, french fries, and a coke. Oh yes, I was hungry. After work, I decided to go to this farm in the middle of nowhere with RFC for a bonfire/hayride, only I was too late for the hayride, lol.

Today, Chelsey and I went to the Titan's game

The refs made horrible calls, and the players weren't doing too great, but it was a pretty exciting game anyway. Especially that 70 yard touch down. . . that was called bad.

And of course, I had to take some other shots as well:

Halloween tomorrow.

Corn, anyone?

October 25 2005

About four hours ago, I discovered that my computer came with Windows Movie Maker. Complete with editing. . . yes, Amy Powers, you read right. My freaking computer has what we'd need to make short ((and very amateur)) movies.

. . . now all we need is a video camera, lol.

I've got a biology test Thursday and a test in understanding mass media. . . how glorious. I've studied this bio pretty thoroughly, but I'm afraid it won't matter. Dangit.


October 24 2005

So. . . my aunt was supposed to have a bone marrow test today to see if she had leukemia, and before they did it, the doctors discovered that her white count had jumped up to 5 ((it was a 2-- anything below 4 is not good)), so he was certain it wasn't leukemia and they didn't have to do the test.

This is the first Monday since July 11th ((except for Labor Day)) that I'm not working. Taevan and I talked awhile back, and he told me that working on Monday can be optional for me since I've got a lot of stuff with school going on.

We had a speaker in Understanding Mass Media again, and he basically told us to screw what we thought would be "the way" to get into the business and start doing things on our own. Aside from some foul language, I enjoyed what he had to say.

We are family. . .

October 22 2005

Last night, my cousin Rob and his family threw a fall family/friend get-to-gether, and I had a complete blast. There was a moon bounce and a huge bouncy slide ((they'd ordered it for the night)), and of course I was jumping like, half the night. My 87 year old grandfather even went down the slide; it was amazing. I had so much fun just being around my cousins. The hilight of the night was when me, Karen, Marla Stephen, Nathan, Marty, and about four toddlers ((the rest of us range in age from 12-35)) were bouncing in the moon bounce, and it started deflating! So I start grabbing the kiddies so they didnn't like, suffocate and this thing is coming down all around us, lol. It was great.

Onto a little less lighter note, one of my aunts is in the hospital. The doctors aren't sure what's wrong with her, but her white blood count is down, and that can ((under certain other circumstances)) be some pretty serious stuff. Prayers for her and her family are appreciated.

Ah yes. I got some new scrapbooking material. Excellent.

"Is anybody out there in a relationship?"

October 20 2005

((from the audience)) "With Jesus!!!"

Yeah. . . Allison gets quote of the night.

Siegel Variety Show '05 rocked.