Baby boy you've been on my mind. . .

November 07 2005

. . . uh, what? I didn't say anything.

So I workd out for the first time in my life today with Amy P. I totally didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I somehow managed to bike three miles, lol. We also lifted weights, ran around the track, did ball crunches, and played raquetball. . . oh yes, it was quite exciting. Lol, I got Graham to drive me back to my car when I was halfway there. . . yeah, I'm a bum, haha.

OOOOOOOH, look at that muscle!

. . . uh, or lack thereof.

Ooh, we're so strong.


And this is the wonderful present Garrett made for me at lunch:

Laura Polis

November 07 2005
check out those guns!


November 07 2005
The Garrett gift cracks me up! And so do our lack of muscles! Ha ha!