Hmm. . .

November 28 2005

- I finally got an A on an English paper. I argued why The Cosby Show hasn't "jumped the shark". Our next topic is over the internet. We have to choose a website we frequently visit, discuss why it's appealing and what makes it a "community". I've already written the draft ((I chose to write about phusebox)) and received a 41/50 on it. While I know it could have been better, I was pleased because Tormey wasn't terribly clear on what he wanted.

- I'm getting a new phone next month. Hallelujah! I've had my current one for nearly two years, and it's getting mighty dinged up.

- I've been pricing camcorders. . . *falls over*. I'm not going to be able to find what I need/want for under $450. With Mom paying my half of the car payment for Christmas and me working extra during Christmas break, I MIGHT be able to pull it off. I mentioned something to my parents about them helping me with it for Christmas as well, but it really hasn't been discussed.

- Speaking of Christmas, our tree is now up. We've never had it up this early, but Jeff and Jennifer wanted to put it up. There are no presents underneath, but hopefully that'll change, lol. I'm finally able to buy my family decent presents this year.

- I need to put more pictures up in my room. It always seems like my room is needing SOMETHING done to it. I also need to dust and organize all the random stuff that houses itself on my dressers.

- Big tests are coming up. Tomorrow, I have a biology exam and the lab final. Thursday, there's a college algebra test. Next Monday, I have to turn in a project and take an exam over chapters eight, nine, and PowerPoint in Computer Science Orientation. I also have an English paper due Monday. Then next Wednesday, I'll take my last exam in Understanding Mass Media. Then the week after that, finals begin! Agh!


November 28 2005
dang girl what a h-o-t-t HOTT picture!

Matt Fisher

November 28 2005
yea ours was up at least the wed before thanksgiving, the house was decorated and there are several presents underneath/ beside. that my friend is early.


November 28 2005
I liked your essay on phusebox. Good luck on your bio exam and lab tomorrow! Just think, no more lab after that! thats a positive. We have no tree up, but we do have lights, and outside decorations up!

Jessica Sanders

November 28 2005
Lucky!...i've had my cell ohone for almost 3 years...yeah..but i cant complain, im getting an ipod for Christmas :-)


November 29 2005
hoot hoot


November 29 2005
was that today? ooohhh i hate him being in the cold... but its a job. (poo) yeah, i joined the fad of owning a phuse box. woe is me. <3