
November 24 2005

Alrighty, I got my schedule worked out, so now I'll have English and Theatre Appreciation MWF, and I'll be finished at 10:05. On TR, I'll have History, Psychology, and Intro to Electronic Media Communicationsl. Yeah, TR will be a long day. I'm hoping to get a 10:20 History class on MWF so I can come in at 1:00.

Check it out:

The weird thing about this picture is that the sky wasn't even this color. When it previewed right after I took it, it looked like this in the window. Who knows; I swear, this camera has a mind of its own. Strong too-- it's survied being dropped in the toilet and dropped on a concrete driveway. I think I'll name it Ol' Trusty, lol.

My Thanksgiving was very nice. My parents and I went to my Aunt Darlene and Uncle Stanley's house along with my brother, sister-in-law, two older cousins, their wives, youngest cousin, and grandmother. We road 4-wheelers, the guys ((and my cousin's wife)) shot skeets, the ladies played Mad Gab and Spoons, and we ate. . . and goodnight, it was a feastly meal. Mmm, I'm so stuffed. I love this holiday-- it's completely centered around food, lol.  We also watched Christmas with the Kranks. . . good movie.


November 24 2005
oooh, theatre appreciation....nice! I bet you'll love that class, seeing as you were in theatre in high school, lol. well just thought I'd say hey and hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!! <3


November 24 2005
That picture is creepy cool.

Ben Moser

November 24 2005
i love the lampposts.