Praise the Lord, I saw the Light. . .

November 01 2005

Guys. . . wow. God has been showing me so many things about my life and I'm suddenly seeing that He really was listening to me as I ((literally and figuratively)) cried out to Him out of sorrow and pain last year. He's been teaching me so many things. . . patience ((huge biggie)), trust, faith, and most importantly, love. He's shown me through children I've been around that He will NEVER hurt us, and when we cry to him when we're troubled, He will pick us up and calm us. Guys, it really freaks me out to think about what would have become of me had I done some of the things that crossed my mind when I was suffering. I'm not perfect, and I will never be. I make mistakes, and I always will. I've learned that being a prideful Christian is a good way to get your butt kicked all the way to the ground. God doesn't want proud Christians, he wantes us to be HUMBLE. Barlow Girl sings a song containing the line "I've learned that pride comes before the fall." How true is that. I've been listening to the song "Undignified" by The David Crowder Band, and I don't know about y'all, but I want to be undignified for Jesus. I want to go crazy in His name, and have people look at me as though I've lost my mind. . . because it's not mine. It's His. This is weird. I haven't felt like this in a long time. But I like it.

. . . and if I have a faith than can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 1Corinthians 13:2b


November 01 2005
Wow... that's awesome!


November 01 2005
That is really awesome Anna! I miss you! Seriously... we're going to have to hang out next time I'm in town. You're an amazing person


November 01 2005
It's a lot cheaper than buying the $600 computer along with that. Besides, I imagine I'll have to pay for some of it and fully expect that.


November 01 2005
FCP Express is more like $150, because it's a smaller version of the real deal. I thought that would be a good way to begin. I totally haven't decided what kind of camera I want yet... I need to research into it... hmm... I guess that gives me something to do this week!


November 02 2005
Hi, yea, Japan would work. But I'm more thinking along the lines of a semester off traveling Europe. Now that would be fun! Hope your having a great day, and amazing post!