MMMMhmmm. . .

November 19 2005

How is it that these really amazing and totally awesome guys like me, yet I don't have the mutual feeling?

SERIOUSLY, what's the deal? It can't be a fear of committment; there have been guys in the past I would have loved to have been in realtionships with, but it became obvious later that God didn't have that in mind.

Do I lack interest for a Reason that will be unveiled when I do in fact meet my love?

I'm starting to think God is actually doing something that I think He's doing. I'm not sure though. Who knows.

((edit-- few minutes later))

Have you ever had a friend or family member that really wanted something for a long time, and you had it for them? You knew exactly how happy it would make them when you presented it to them, and you knew that would treasure it forever? I think God is doing that with me. He has my husband; He's probably looking at him right now. And for all I know, my husband could be sitting around, frustrated because he hasn't found me. Have you ever thought about that girls? We long for our husbands, but there is a man out there that does long to be with US. He just doesn't know it yet!

Okay. That was weird. I think God put that on my heart. Thanks God.

((end edit))

ANYWAY. I went to Starbucks with Brian and Aimee today; Cameron met us about half an hour later. After staying there awhile, we decided we were hungry ((at 2:30, lol)), and I drove us to Camino Real. After that, I drove everybody back to where our cars were and dropped Cameron and Brian off. Aimee and I went to Marti and Liz Shoes, and I got me some really cute dress shoes. Theeeen we went to the mall and looked around; her mommy showed up, I left, then went to Shoe Carnival and Old Navy. Now I'm home. How exciting.


November 19 2005
about the first part; dunno, but hey, if you figure that out, let me know, k? second part (or: a day in the life of anna miller), ooh, shoes. next you'll be calling me to describe them ;)