We are family. . .

October 22 2005

Last night, my cousin Rob and his family threw a fall family/friend get-to-gether, and I had a complete blast. There was a moon bounce and a huge bouncy slide ((they'd ordered it for the night)), and of course I was jumping like, half the night. My 87 year old grandfather even went down the slide; it was amazing. I had so much fun just being around my cousins. The hilight of the night was when me, Karen, Marla Stephen, Nathan, Marty, and about four toddlers ((the rest of us range in age from 12-35)) were bouncing in the moon bounce, and it started deflating! So I start grabbing the kiddies so they didnn't like, suffocate and this thing is coming down all around us, lol. It was great.

Onto a little less lighter note, one of my aunts is in the hospital. The doctors aren't sure what's wrong with her, but her white blood count is down, and that can ((under certain other circumstances)) be some pretty serious stuff. Prayers for her and her family are appreciated.

Ah yes. I got some new scrapbooking material. Excellent.


October 22 2005
moon bounces are FUN!!


October 22 2005
I would LOOOOVE to see an 87 year old man go down a moon bounce slide! That is awesome!