AHH...the TBQ days. remember this?

November 04 2006
A gerbil named Henry, lived in Bethlehem, in Judea, in the trunk of his
car, who was put there by his father Jacob when he was 2 months old and
he lived on only peanut butter and walnut sandwiches until he was 6
years old. He crawled in the suitcase of the old lady who owned the car
only to find out that it was lined with peanut butter. He indulged
himself becoming massively overweight and developing a cholesterol
problem...not only that, but he developed an allergic reaction to
peanut butter. He got stuck in the suitcase because he was massively
overweight. His allergies increased and he found out that some symptoms
were gas and hives. The reaction was so bad that the gas levels became
fatal. The old lady, who was a smoker, lit a cigarette and ignited the
methane, and burned off her mustache. The blast was so large that it
sent the gerbil flying to and outdoor gerbil farm in the plains of
Iowa, where gerbils run free. Henry became aquainted with these gerbils
and discovered that their religious practices included a yearly
sacrifice of the newest member of their community. He tried to run, but
because he was massively overweight and still shell-shocked from the
explosion, they tied him to a stake. When the fire was lit, Henry
learned of his killer instinct. He grew massive fangs and ate his way
free and he devoured his captors. The news of this canniballistic
gerbil spread to Deputy Deer and his Kitty Crew, in Shabang, Colorado.
Deputy Deer paced to and fro explaining this delicate situation. They
scheduled a standoff for everyone to see. During the battle three of
the four Kitty Crew members were defeated, but not before Henry was
mortally wounded and to the surprise of him and the entire crowd, when
his belly was slashed open four mini Henry's came scurrying out of his
belly and devoured the last Kitty Crew member. Although his obesity was
caused by the excessive amount of peanut butter he comsumed, it was due
to the old lady who was in the study of male gerbil bith giving who has
laced the peanut butter with female hormones. The killer instinct came
from PMS and it was transferred to his four children who were cross
dressers and they were all attracted to male and female limmings. They
were so attracted in fact, that they were willing to participate in
their annual mass suicide, but lucky for them they fell off the clif
into four trunks where they and their significant others living off
nothing but peanut butter...

Jamie Crabtree

November 04 2006
What the heck?


November 04 2006
My memory is very different...

adam rodrigues

November 05 2006
YES YES YES!!!!! Ahh, that brings me joy. haha, awesome.

Amy McCormick

November 06 2006
Hehe...i didn't know anyone still had a copy of that!!! It makes me laugh to remember that!!! ~Love you girl!!~

Meagan McCann

November 06 2006


November 06 2006
No, nothing...I distinctly remember actually studying though...