Language [part deux]

January 09 2007


I talked to the boy today about his language again. & we started arguing. well, the weird thing was, today, what shut him up & i think got him thinking, was not scripture. It was actually, something more simple. He told me he just liked to use those words because liked the passion behind them. And i told him, if you want to speak with the same passion, do it with your voice. not your words. you can state something, with no foul language, but STILL show as much passion for the subject by the tone in your voice. it's not that hard.

he understood.
& didn't cuss for the rest of the class. Now, who knows what all he said after that class. [it was only first block] but hey, it's a start right?


i have a test tomorrow over the first 4 chapters of frankenstein.. guess what chapter i'm on...


[thanks for all the help on my last blog<3<3<3]


Tyler Lowery

January 09 2007
thats amazing


January 12 2007
goodstuff, girl.