ad day

November 16 2006

Kelsey, Joseph, and Jennifer... They're amazing.

Business owners in Mufreesboro... They are not my friends.  I don't like them very much.

Shame on you.

November 15 2006

You should all be writing on phusebox.  Why should you write on phusebox?

Because phuesbox can still be accessed from one of the computers in the art lab.  I am bored.  I logged on phusebox.  There should be lots of entries to keep me entertained.  But there aren't.

So you should feel shame.

Seething, burning shame.

Tsk, tsk you guys.

Apparently touching the thermostat is a felony.

November 11 2006

Gotta love those days when your parents cuss you out for something that you didn't even know you were doing wrong.

He'll probably apologize tomorrow.  He always does whenever he does something particularly asshole-ish.

Classy stuff at our lunch table.

November 08 2006

And it was like, "Great.  Now I have to come out of the closet with knickers on."  -- Austin Hitt

How ever would I survive my senior year without the kids at my lunch table?

(This is of course, a shameless shout-out to Rachel, Danny, Blake, Austin, and Autumn.)

three day weekends make everything better

November 05 2006

Ahhhh... My Friday night was fun.  Mady and I went to Hastings, bought a movie, took it back to my house and watched it.

Mady:  Run it back - I want to see what the postcard says!

Sarah:  *runs it back, pauses*

Mady:  *reads*  Okay, so now they're going to meet in November?


Mady: *gasp*  HE DIES?!?!

Apparently Mady was under the impression that Brokeback Mountain had a happy ending.  Oops.

The rest of my weekend was kind of lame.  But that's okay.

wrong place, wrong time

October 29 2006

Here's some advice.

Don't go out to the battlefield graveyard at 1 AM.

Especially if three of the six people in your group have to pee.  And if two of the six people decided not to wear jackets.  And if none of the six of you have flashlights.

And especially if the cops just got a phone call about six people (who are not your six people) playing chicken with the trains at the nearby train tracks.

(It also doesn't help if one of you, due to severe allergies, looks stoned off his rocker.)

You know, just a tip.

holy crap!

October 27 2006

Pretty sure that I, the slacker who loses at math-life, got my calculus test grade today...

And that grade was a 94.  An A.

Yeah, that was pretty much my reaction too.

Espeically since this is probalby a total fluke because all my straight-A-in-calculus-getting friends made 80-somethings and the like.

Sooo.... I dunno?  *shrug*  I'm not complaining.

Viva la mental health day!

October 24 2006

You know that feeling you get when you stay home from school and you really shouldn't?

...Yeah, I don't know that feeling either.  : D

Juuuuust kidding.  I really did sit and debate it for about 10 minutes this morning.  (A 10 minutes I could have spent getting ready and gettting to school on time.) 

I woke up about 40 minutes late, my car was covered with frost, and I've just generally felt like crap for a while.  No tests or quizzes or big assignments due today.

So I went back to bed and slept a few more hours (one hour more than I meant to).  And now... Television?  Breakfast?  Laundry?  Yesterday's homework?

Who knows.  I'll think of something.

And now its time for another "Good Idea, Bad Idea"

October 22 2006

Good idea:  Driving with your headlights on at night.

Bad idea:  Driving a ratty 17-year-old Nissan, possessed with the spirit of a decrepit old man, that has an electrical bug that causes your dashboard, console, and tail lights not to come on, leading YOU the DRIVER to not notice that you are driving after dark with no headlights.

As I discovered today, the police generally frown upon this kind of behavior.  But...

I was obeying the speed limit. (I had only just pulled out of a parking lot.)  The policeman didn't see my non-functional tail lights, just the fact my headlights weren't on.  (Whew.)  I hadn't gotten a ticket in my entire year and a half of bein a licensed driver.

So I got away with a "Promise to keep your lights on while you're driving for the rest of the night," followed by an immediate "Yes sir."

Thank you, Will Veale.

October 20 2006

Quote of the day:

"Hey, that's funny. If you'd gone down more, you would've sucked less!"  -- Will Veale

(On Rachel's rummikub skills.)

"Ugh," as well as other displeased sounds

October 17 2006

For those of you that neglected to read the user manual:

5:30 AM, or any other time before sunrise, is too early for Sarah Vermillion to be active.  Allowing Sarah to be active at this time, especially behind the wheel of a car, may be hazardous to your health.  If, in the event of an emergency, Sarah must be active at this early an hour, keep a steady flow of caffiene pumping into her bloodstream until she can function at her normal level.

Thank you.  This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the letter R and the number 7.5.

In other news, I think I passed my calculus test today. (Sweet!)

I am, however, displeased that one of the questions I left blank because I could not find my mistake... I relized EXACTLY what I did wrong and how I could have fixed it.  The only problem is that I came to this realization about four hours after I turned my test in.


Tomorrow begins my first big rush of orders as S-1!  Woooohoooo!  Wish me luck.

campaign for real beauty

October 16 2006

This video's been circulating around the web.

If you have a spare 30 seconds, it's worth watching.


October 12 2006

Costume ideas.

I have none.

Supply them.  NOW!

(Grace has already suggested Scarlett O'Hara.)

Your turn.

Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

October 09 2006


Errrrrrrrr... blech.

School is back.  That is the opposite of nice.  It is very UN-nice, actually.

Things you should know:

I miss Grace.

I adore Rachel Hodorowicz, Michael Cole, and Mady Roberston.

I'm not that bad of a navigator... until I get a little bit lost.  And then I'm hopeless.

If you ever decide to get lost in a corn field, take Andrew Loaki with you or else you'll never make it out alive.

I'm starting to not completely suck at Calculus again sort of kind of.

There is a Torrid in Memphis.  Methinks I may be making a shopping road trip with Trish.  (That's right, Brian.  I don't care about you.  I just want some nice clothes that actually fit me.)

fly away home...

October 05 2006

Except, you know, without Anna Paquin and all the geese.


Me.  I'm coming home tomorrow.  And seeing as how that makes my fall break time with my friends only two and a half days long - I expect mad fun from you guys.

Yes, that's right. 




If all goes well, I'll be astrollin' into the Nashville airport around 12:35 tmorrow afternoon.

I am here.

October 02 2006


September 28 2006

Hats, sunglasses, prom dresses, pyjamas, and banana yellow tshirts.  Pray they still have some shirts in the morning when I get to the bookstore.

Selling yearbook ads.  (Which apparently means "Let's go mudding." in Huberian.)

Kelsey and Trish in big poofy white dresses tomorrow night.

Brian's coming to visit and see his lady (see above, prior) in her big white poofy dress.

Fall break officially starts tomorrow at 3:00 PM.  Too bad that from Sunday AM to around 9:something Friday night, I will not be around to see my lovley friends.

Cross your fingers for me.  I'm flying home from Madison on my own on Friday.  And I have an hour and a half layover in O'Hare.  *gulp*

Woah-oh-oh-oh, c'mon and kick me

September 26 2006

Ever had a phobia so bad that you can't even take actions to make the cause of your phobia go away because that would bring you closer to the thing you are phobic of?

Yeah.  Pretty sure I can't step on spiders.  I made baby steps.  I tried to step on him.  (After trying to not hyperventilate for about two minutes.)  I wounded him, but he was still kickin'.  My dad lost patience and finished the job for me.

Sigh... Stupid spiders.  Why do they have to be so eight-legged and fangy and generally menacing in appearance?

In other news: 

No first through third/fourth period tomorrow.  Hooray for selling yearbook ads!

Nemanja tried to murder my car with his car.  Then he tried to murder me with his car.  T'was very rude.

I may be getting a second job... Or a better job... Or... I don't really know.  It's complicated.  We shall see how things unfold in the near future.

Adventures With Aaron

September 24 2006

I was at work from 10 to 5 yesterday.  Around 4:30, I started thinking, "Well darn.  I actually have a Saturday night off and all of my friends are off at a band competition."*

*(I had no idea at this time that the competition was rained out.)

Lo and behold, some dude with his hoodie pulled up over his head ambles up to counter in an ever-so-ghetto fashion over to the counter and throws the hood back.

I get excited, squeal a little and say, "YOU'RE IN MURFREESBORO!"

Aaron Massey had come back to the Boro for the weekend without warning anyone.  Well, without warning me anyways.

And since at the time, I had no plans and he had no plans, we made plans.  When I got off at 5, we went back to my house to watch MST3K:  Angel's Revenge.  Then to Bellaccino's.  (Don't bother asking for extra cheese, you don't need it.)  Then to Wal-Mart to buy a carousel of 50 blank CDs.  And then to Aaron's where we watched Jerry McGuire I burned 42 of those blank CDs.

It took until about 3 AM to get all the CDs done, but it was worth it, considering that my CD collection just grew by 40+.

Anyways.  Whether the entry is exciting or not, yesterday was whole lotta fun.

the drive that is bloody

September 19 2006

I feel kind of awesome.

I saved 3 people's lives today.

How cool is that?  Just by laying down on a cot for 20 minutes and undergoing mild extremely mild pain and a little bit of light-headedness... You can extend the life span of three people.

I hate needles.  They freak me out.  I've always hated getting blood drawn.  But today it wasn't a big deal.  I just told David, the guy drawing my blood, to warn me when he pulled the needle out so I could look away.

(Thank you, Megan.  "HOLY CRAP THAT'S A BIG NEEDLE!")

I didn't see the needle, and I didn't watch while he stuck my arm or adjusted it so that it got into the vein okay, and after that everything was peachy.  It itched a little.  However, I decided that scratching the large needle that was currenty impaling one of my larger blood vessels was a bad idea.

That was one of the things that excited me about turning 17.  Getting to donate blood.  I just hadn't made the time to do it before.  From now on, I think I'm going to try to donate whenever I can.

It's too much to pass up by choice when doing a good deed is this easy.

"thump, thump, thump" goes my head on the desk

September 18 2006

Who has a big freakin' caffine (or lack thereof) headache?

I'll give you a hint.  Her name starts with S and she's sitting in Tyson's office waiting for her dad to finish up his work.

I'll gitve you another hint.  It's me.

On the upswing, I made a 100 on my weekend Calculus quiz... *cough*
And I think I may have done quite well on the test we took today.

free response + no implicit diffrentiation = HOORAY!

Now, because I am bored: A commentary on Tyson's office.

There is the "I <3 Indy" wall that has two full size movie posters, as well as nine smaller posters.  Then there is the "I <3 Star Wars" wall that has two full size movie posters, seven smaller images taken from the books, I think.  Then on the very side of that wall, a full size movie poster for Army of Darkness, autographed by Bruce Campbell, has snuck in.  As well as classic car calendar and a small Dark Side of the Rainbow poster.

The door is probably the best part.  Because, in good no-one-ever-comes-back-to-this-part-of-the-building fashion, it is covered with Toothpaste for Dinner, Red Meat, and Dilbert comics - all held up by scotch tape and magnets shaped like pin-up girls and the covers of naughty dime-store novels.

Wow, Tyson likes Harrison Ford.  Like, way hard.  In fact, standing in the corner of the office behind me is a large cardboard cut-out of Han Solo dressed as a storm trooper.  My dad and I gave it to him for Christmas to match the large cardboard cut-out of Indiana Jones that's in the other corner behind the door.  He has more pictures of Harrisson Ford that of Klara, his girlfriend.  Let's see what the score is.

Klara: 5

Harrison: 16

I think it's obvious who he loves more.

Anyways.  Boredom is giving way to pure hoplessness.  Time for me to go.

half days are the best days

September 15 2006

Apparently I drive like a maniac.  But in a good way.


Heeeey.  Know anyone who might want to buy a yearbook ad?  I'll be your frieeeeeeeend...

So, I have absolutely nothing to do this weekend except work.

Anyone have any brilliant ideas for how to entertain myself?


September 12 2006

Who's got two calculus tests this week? Me. (As well as other OHS AP Calc students.) And it sucks.


Soooo... A few days ago I bought Lost Season 2. Because I have a job. And I can.


::edits in bold italics::

I've got about seven eps left. 1 and 3/4 discs. AHHHHH!

I've got two eps left.  2/3 of a disc.  AHHHHHHHH!

I hate Ana Lucia. I hate her so much I almost like Jack and Kate by comparison.

Even though it does suck that she got shot in the stomach while she was preggers. Makes me come back half a step from the brink of "WHY WON'T THE WRITERS JUST KILL YOU???"

Wow... it's like my DVDs are psychic!

I miss Boone and Shannon.

Shayid love forever! It's not nearly as pure as Jin and Sun's love... but it was pretty freakin' awesome.


Bernard is alive! And caucasian!!! ^_^ Hooray for interracial love!

Locke! What is wrong with you? I totally knew that door was gonna fall on your legs. Dude, do you not watch your own show?

I like that Libby chick and all, but she needs to keep her hands off my man. Hurley is my chunky piece of Chilean man meat.

Well, at least ABC is nice enough to cede that fat people need love from hot people too. Thank you, ABC.

Dude...I just wanted her to stop putting the moves on him.  I didn't want her to get all murder-fied by a whacked out Mercutio.

I am sad now.


I'm at the grandparents' doin' housekeeping stuff while they're out of town.

You know, they're not coming back until Monday. Is anyone esle thinking what I'm thinking?


Let's hop a plane to Israel to buy some shirts.

September 09 2006

This guy was one of my customers today.

He was wearing the world's most amazing shirt.

A shirt that he apparently bought for $2 in Israel.

I want one.  Real bad.

Luckily for all of you, he was cool with me snapping a quick picture of it with my camera phone.


Old people love is the best.

September 08 2006

I love my grandparents.  Because they love each other more than any other couple I've ever known.

They're out of town.  Until they get back, I go over to their house every day or two to bring in mail and newspapers, water plants, pick tomatoes, and do any other random housekeeping item that comes up.

On the dining room table today, I noticed this card.  My Grandpa gives my Granny an anniversary card every month, not every year.  I'm guessing this was August.



If you can't read it...
I needed ya.
I got ya.
I'm keeping ya.
Love ya.


Wow.  How revoltingly adorable is that?  I hope I love someone that much someday.