Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

October 09 2006


Errrrrrrrr... blech.

School is back.  That is the opposite of nice.  It is very UN-nice, actually.

Things you should know:

I miss Grace.

I adore Rachel Hodorowicz, Michael Cole, and Mady Roberston.

I'm not that bad of a navigator... until I get a little bit lost.  And then I'm hopeless.

If you ever decide to get lost in a corn field, take Andrew Loaki with you or else you'll never make it out alive.

I'm starting to not completely suck at Calculus again sort of kind of.

There is a Torrid in Memphis.  Methinks I may be making a shopping road trip with Trish.  (That's right, Brian.  I don't care about you.  I just want some nice clothes that actually fit me.)

Maja Opacic

October 09 2006
Oh, and you do not adore me? :(

the brian king kenobi

October 10 2006
well, you would at least come see me, wouldn't you?

Aaron Massey

October 10 2006
hey, what's up? i'm afraid the mohawk will die.... my parents aren't to pleased with it.. :(.. anyway, i want you to know that i found Dark Side of the Rainbow here at school and was wondering if you want me to burn it for you... it's only the first half of the movie.. but.. yeah.. anyway.. peace!

Aaron Massey

October 10 2006
i can burn it in a way that you can watch it on either your computer or your DVD player if you'd like.. atleast i'm guessing that your DVD player can play VCDs.


October 11 2006
I personally would take Andrew Loucky... but that's just me. *winks*