Viva la mental health day!

October 24 2006

You know that feeling you get when you stay home from school and you really shouldn't?

...Yeah, I don't know that feeling either.  : D

Juuuuust kidding.  I really did sit and debate it for about 10 minutes this morning.  (A 10 minutes I could have spent getting ready and gettting to school on time.) 

I woke up about 40 minutes late, my car was covered with frost, and I've just generally felt like crap for a while.  No tests or quizzes or big assignments due today.

So I went back to bed and slept a few more hours (one hour more than I meant to).  And now... Television?  Breakfast?  Laundry?  Yesterday's homework?

Who knows.  I'll think of something.

kayla hale

October 24 2006
hahai took one too! lol

the brian king kenobi

October 24 2006
my vote is for roadtrip to memphis. ;)

the brian king kenobi

October 25 2006
my sn isnt working, but i made a new one . . . you can get me at briankingkenobi

the brian king kenobi

October 25 2006
uhh . . . nvm, i fixed it.