wrong place, wrong time

October 29 2006

Here's some advice.

Don't go out to the battlefield graveyard at 1 AM.

Especially if three of the six people in your group have to pee.  And if two of the six people decided not to wear jackets.  And if none of the six of you have flashlights.

And especially if the cops just got a phone call about six people (who are not your six people) playing chicken with the trains at the nearby train tracks.

(It also doesn't help if one of you, due to severe allergies, looks stoned off his rocker.)

You know, just a tip.

Michael Thoe

October 29 2006
holy hell, sounds like an amazing night!!! How come I never get to participate in stupid group activities? Anyways, I am feeling healthy again and I'll see you on Monday, gorgeous!

the brian king kenobi

November 02 2006
mmm, tahiti . . .

Aaron Massey

November 03 2006
dude.. i was not stoned!!!!!